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He brings children into the world.

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 730.

He treats women's diseases.

He specializes in skin diseases.

He treats diseases of old age.

He specializes in diseases of the nervous system.

His specialty is taking and interpreting X rays.

He treats diseases by electricity.

He specializes in disorders of the mind.

He makes your eyeglasses.

He is a medical doctor who specializes in diseases of the eye.

He straightens crooked teeth.

He corrects deformities of the body.

He treats children's diseases.

a. He is an orthopaedist.

b. He is a pediatrician.

c. He is a pathologist.

a. He is a gynaecologist.

b. He is an orthopaedist.

c. He is a pathologist.

a. He is an orthodontist.

b. He is an orthopaedist.

c. He is a pathologist.

a. He is an oculist.

b. He is an optician.

c. He is an orthopaedist.

a. He is an oculist.

b. He is an orthopaedist.

c. He is an optician.

a. He is an intern.

b. He is a psychiatrist.

c. He is a physiotherapist.

a. He is a pathologist.

b. He is a physiotherapist.

c. He is a psychologist.

a. He is a gynaecologist.

B He is a neurologist.

c. He is a radiologist.

a. He is a cardiologist.

b. He is a dermatologist.

c. He is a neurologist.

a. He is a cardiologist.

b. He is a geriatrician.

c. He is a pediatrician.

a. He is a dermatologist.

b. He is a geriatrician.

c. He is a pathologist.

a. He is a dermatologist.

b. He is a geriatrician.

c. He is a gynaecologist.

a. He is a gynaecologist.

b. He is an obstetrician.

c. He is a pediatrician.


42. SPECIALISTS. Which of the professionals would you consult in each of the following cases?


1. To operate on an eye cataract _ c _ _ _ _ _

2. To cure your son's measles _ _ d _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

3. To make your new glasses _ _ _ ³_ _ _ _

4. To deliver a baby ob_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

5. To test your eyesight _ _ t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

6. To cure a rash on the skin d _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

7. To treat a sick mind p_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

8. To operate on your appendix _ _ r _ _ _ _

9. To examine the old-age complaints of your

grandmother g _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

10. To treat Peter's deformed hip _ _ _ _ _ p _ _ _ _ _

11. To analyze your dreams _ s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

12. To treat the ailments of your wife _ _n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _



43. SPECIALISTS. What is the difference between a psychiatrist and a psychoanalyst?

44. DRUGS. In most cases drugs are


1. taken by mouth

2. injected into the body

3. applied to the body surface.


Divide the following forms of drugs into the three groups.


capsules pill cream powder gargle serum jelly

tablet lotion vaccines lozenge ointment


46. DRUGS. Choose the right answer.


1. The nurse put a ….. on the wound.

a) bandage b) cloth c) material d) towel


2. Take two of these …. three times a day after meals.

a) capsules b) drugs c) placebos d) prescriptions


3. Illness can be stopped before it happens by means of ….. .

a) after-care b) prescription c) therapy d) vaccines

4. If you've got a headache, why don't you take a ….. of aspirin?

a) couple b) couplet c) pair d) prescription


5. Can you ….. a good pill against airsickness?

a) advise b) propose c) recommend d) suggest


6. The ….. is a teaspoonful, to be taken three times a day. You must not exceed it.

a) dose b) measure c) medicine d) quantity


7. Barbiturates are drugs which are often used in the ….. of emotional disorders.

a) cure b) healing c) improvement d) treatment


8. Many herbs are well known for their healing ….. .

a) contents b) medicines c) parts d) properties


9. The doctor prescribed tablets to help ….. the pain.

a) calm b) lighten c) relieve d) rid


10. He threatened to drink the ….. chemical.

a) deadly b) deathly c) dying d) mortal


11. The doctor gave me some …..for my rheumatism.

a) gargle b) lozenges c) pastilles d) pills


12. As the drug took ….. the patient became quieter.

a) action b) effect c) force d) influence


13. It's time to take another ….. of medicine.

a) cup b) dose c) drink d) spoon


14. The effects of the anaesthetic used for the operation take quite a time to….. off.

a) give b) move c) turn d) wear


15. One way to ged rid of hiccups is to …..your breath for as long as possible.

a) catch b) draw c) hold d) take


16. She's suffering from a ….. of iron and needs to take a course of tablets.

a) default b) defect c) deficiency d) deficit


17. After his illness, the doctor gave him medicine to ….. another attack.

a) deny b) improve c) prevent d) recover


18. You'll feel better after you've taken a ….. of cough medicine.

a) dose b) helping c) portion d) ration


19. Take the tablets twice a day ….. in two tablespoons of water.

a) dissolved b) melted c) resolved d) solved


20. The medicine he takes can only ….. the pain. It cannot get rid of it completely.

a) heal b) remedy c) relieve d) solve


47. DRUGS. Fill the blank with the right word from the list below. You may use each word once only.

antiseptic cleanse disease fester ointment plaster skin wound

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