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Date: 2015-10-07; view: 548.

Think of ten sports where you have to compete against an opponent, and ten sporting activities which you can do as an individual.

Sport and Games


Annie is interviewing an iridologist called Paola. Listen to their conversation and complete the notes


Choose the best option from the alternatives A or B


1) Iridology is

A a form of treatment.

B a way of identifying a health problem.


2) Ignatz von Peczely

A was the first person to notice iris markings.

B re-established iridology.


3) What did von Peczely notice about the injured bird?
A A new mark in the owl's eye.

B The mark disappeared before the leg healed.


4) Iridology

A can provide an early health warning.

B is a form of fortune telling.




Paola has been an iridologist (1)…………...

She used to be a (2)…….. , but gave up for two main reasons:

she noticed people (3)………. by the medicine they are prescribed and can become (4)……………….. .


Blue eyes: (5)…………………and rheumatism.

Brown eyes: circulation and (6) ………………….

Hazel eyes and green eyes are both (7)…….…………... colours.

People with green eyes often have problems with their (8)…………………

Paola can see Annie has a problem with her (9)………………..

Annie hurt it while she was (10)…………………. .


— 1. Speaking

Competitive Individual
squash yoga
wrestling aerobics
netball skateboarding


X 2. Listen to radio commentaries of six different sports.
Can you identify each one? What were the clues that helped you?

Which sports do you like to take part in? Which sports do you like to watch?
What do you do to keep fit?




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