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MA, high school, polytechnic, undergraduate, GCSE, bachelor's degree, year, graduate school, A-Level, doctorate degree, MS

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 526.

B) Complete the sentences with the given terms and abbreviations.

1) At 16 all students in the UK take ……… examinations.

2) At 18 some students take ………… examinations. It is necessary to pass them in order to go to a university or ………… .

3) Once you are enrolled in the College, you become a first-……… student.

4) An …………. (especially in British English) is a student who is doing a university course for a first degree, usually a ………….. .

5) A ………… (in American English) is a college or university where one can study for a master's or ………….., having already obtained a bachelor's degree.

6) In the UK and the US higher degrees include an ………. for arts subjects and an MSc (………. in American English) for science or social science, and a PhD.

7) In Britain a ‘graduate' is a person who has taken a first degree. In American English it may either correspond to British ‘post-graduate', as, for example, in ‘graduate student', or it may denote a person who has received a diploma from any educational institution, as in ‘………… graduate'.



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A) Using the table and the Vocabulary get acquainted with the main stages of secondary and higher education in the UK and the US and the terms to describe them. | Read the definition of the term 'political science' and translate it into Russian.
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