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B. Vocabulary practice

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 559.

A. Comprehension

Answer the questions:

1) What is logging?

2) What types of logging can you name?

3) What does standard logging consist of?

4) What data does electric logging provide?

5) What is the underlying principle of acoustic logging?

6) What is the basis of gamma-ray log functioning?

7) What is neutron logging? What is it used for?

8) What is the difference between gamma-ray logging and density logging?

9) What is a log?


I. Give English equivalents for:


1) отслеживать продвижение бурения скважины; 2) различные виды каротажа; 3) использовать правильное буровое оборудование; 4) выходить за пределы; 5) акустический каротаж, электрический каротаж, радиоактивный (радиационный) каротаж; 6) изучать нижние горизонты; 7) брать образцы керна; 8) исследовать толщину различных слоев породы; 9) изучать с помощью мощного микроскопа; 10) погружать в ствол скважины измерительный прибор; 11) пропускать электрический ток сквозь породу; 12) использовать генератор звука и микрофон; 13) измерять скорость звука; 14) гамма излучение пласта; 15) изотопы калия, содержащиеся в сланцах; 16) наличие или отсутствие гамма-излучения в скважине; 17) облучать нейтронами прилегающие к стволу породы; 18) испускать гамма лучи; 19) бомбардировать породы скважины с помощью гамма излучения; 20) обратно пропорциональный плотности; 21) захват нейтронов; 22) определять пористость породы; 23) волнистые линии на каротажной диаграмме; 24) результаты различных типов исследований; 25) данные о скважине (характеристика скважины).

II. Give Russian equivalents for:

1) to perform tests during or after the drilling process; 2) to monitor the progress of the well drilling; 3) to gain a clearer picture of subsurface formations; 4) logging tests; 5) composition and characteristics of the different layers of rock; 6) unfavorable conditions; 7) the most prolific and often performed tests; 8) examining and recording the physical aspects of a well; 9) to magnify the rock up to 2000 times; 10) to measure the electric resistance of the rock layers; 11) the fluid content and characteristics; 12) to measure the velocity of sound in the formation; 13) to vary indirectly with porosity; 14) naturally occurring gamma radiation; 15) to be non-radioactive; 16) to have a high content of radioactive potassium isotopes; 17) the surrounding formation; 18) to emit a gamma ray; 19) to be proportional to the number of hydrogen atoms;20) to irradiate the sides of the borehole; 21) gamma rays detected by the sonde; 22) the data obtained through various forms of logging; 23) to be interpreted by an experienced geologist/geophysicist/ petroleum engineer; 24) vast archives of historical logs; 25) the well data readout.


III. Fill in the appropriate word(s) from the list below into the extracts and translate them into Russian:

a) microscope, fluorescence, to determine, examination, formation, mud log, staining, simplest, dissolves

In petroleum exploration and development, … evaluation is used … whether a potential oil or gas field is commercially viable. Tools to detect oil and gas have been evolving for over a century. The … and most direct tool is well cuttings … . Today, a geologist or mudlogger uses a … to determine the lithology of the formation being drilled and to estimate porosity and possible oil staining. A portable ultraviolet light chamber is used to examine the cuttings for … . Fluorescence can be an indication of crude oil …, or of the presence of fluorescent minerals. They can be differentiated by placing the cuttings in a solvent filled vessel. Crude oil … and then redeposits as a fluorescent ring when the solvent evaporates. The written strip chart recording of these examinations is called a sample log or… .


b) positive, strip chart, muds, electrode, electromagnetic, measurements, bottom, rubber, voltage, current, formation, logging, magnetic, sonde, induction, cable

Modern electric logs fall into several families of tools, with varying names, depending on the company providing the … services. Conceptually, they can be divided into two groups: resistivity logs and induction logs.

The first group includes tools that have electrodes on a long … covered sonde, 20' to 50' long. This is lowered to the … of the well on a steel … . As the sonde is pulled back up the well, … are made by producing an electric … on the positive and negative electrodes of the sonde. This voltage causes a current to flow away from the negative …, through the mud, out into the formation and back to the … electrode. Most tools use the amount of voltage needed to maintain a constant current as the measure of resistivity. This is presented as a line on a … . The strip chart or electric log, shows resistivity versus depth. These instruments work well in fresh water muds.

In salt …, which are very conductive, the current never gets into the … but stays in the borehole. In oil-based muds or in air drilling, the … cannot get to the formation at all. In these situations, the second group of electric logs, the … logs, are used. These logs use a strong, momentary, electric current within the … to "induce" a secondary current in the formation around the borehole. When the exciting current is shut off, the … field of the secondary current persists for a short time. This, in turn, induces a voltage in coils inside the sonde. Thus, there is never a physical path between the sonde and the formation. The connection is entirely ... .


c) variously, surface, difference, voltmeter, drilling, ions, battery

The SP log, known … as a "Spontaneous Potential", "Self Potential" or "Shale Potential" log is simply a … measurement of the voltage or electrical potential … between the mud in the hole at a particular depth and a copper stake driven into the … of the earth a short distance from the borehole. A salinity difference between the … mud and the formation water acts as a sort of natural … and will cause several voltage effects. This "battery" causes a movement of charged … between the hole and the formation directly depending on the permeability of the rock.


d) measurements, to be introduced, parameters, wireline, to occur, slow, to provide, surface, technique, to be recorded, wires, information, to be integrated.

In the 1980s, a new …, logging while drilling (LWD), … which provided similar … about the well. Instead of sensors being lowered into the well at the end of … cable, the sensors … into the drill string and the … are made while the well is being drilled. While wireline well logging … after the drill string is removed from the well, LWD measures geological … while the well is being drilled. However, because there are no … to the surface, data … downhole and retrieved when the drill string is removed from the hole. A small subset of the measured data can also be transmitted to the … in real time via pressure pulses in the well's mud fluid column. This mud telemetry method … a bandwidth of much less than 100 bits per second, although, as drilling through rock is a fairly … process, data compression techniques mean that this is an ample bandwidth for real-time delivery of information.

IV. Match the following terms with their definitions and give their Russian equivalents and make up your own sentences with them:

logging, acoustic logging, log, gamma ray logging, wireline logging , density logging, mud logging, neutron logging

1. A log that displays travel time of sound waves from the source to the formation and back to a receiver.

2. A measurement of the density of the formation, based on the reduction in gamma ray flux between a source and a detector.

3. A log of total natural radioactivity of the formation.

4. The display of one or more log measurements on a strip of paper or film (a hard copy) with depth in one axis.

5. The measurement versus depth or time, or both, of one or more physical quantities in or around a well.

6. Analysis of drilling mud and cuttings for the presence of hydrocarbons and lithology interpretation.

7. A log based on the ability of hydrogen to slow down and capture neutrons. Since hydrogen is found mainly in the pore fluids, the neutron log responds principally to porosity.

8. The type of logging when the logging tool is lowered into the wellbore on an armored wireline.


V. Explain the following terms using a specialized dictionary and glossary, give their Russian equivalents and make up your own sentences with them:

sonde, cable, core, drill cuttings


VI. Give English translation for:

1) Каротаж - это геофизические исследования при помощи специального оборудования, спускаемого в скважину для определения необходимых параметров работы.

2) Геофизические работы (каротаж) осуществляют практически на всех этапах строительства и эксплуатации скважины (при бурении, заканчивании, капитальном ремонте и эксплуатации скважины).

3) Каротаж даёт возможность уточнить по всей глубине скважи­ны её геологический разрез: литологический состав пород, толщину пластов, глубину зале­гания нефтяных, газовых и водяных горизонтов, а также по­ристость и проницаемость пород.

4) В настоящее время используется более 40 видов каротажа. Основные из них: электрические, радиоактивные, акустические, индукционные, геотермиче­ские методы.

5) Каротажной диаграммой называется любое ото­бражение состояния скважины в табличной или графической форме.

6) Во время бурения скважины каротаж применяется для анализа бурового раствора, измерения давления, исследования керна.

7) Плотностный каротаж применяется для определения плотности подземных пород.

8) Во время плотностного каротажа используется источник гама-излучения, при помощи которого облучаются стенки ствола скважины.

9) Акустический каротаж применяется для измерения скорости звука, проходящего в скважине через каждую из пород.

10) Акустические зонды используют генератор звука и микрофон для измерения скорости распространения звука в пласте.

11) Гамма-каротаж измеряет гамма-радиацию, излучаемую стенками ствола скважины.

12) Поровое пространство, заполненное водой, хорошо проводит ток.

13) Из трех наиболее распространенных осадочных пород радиоактивным может быть только сланец.

14) Нейтронный каротаж используется для измерения пористости пород в скважине.

15) Электрический каротаж применяется для измерения удельного сопротивления породы и пластовых флюидов.

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