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Date: 2015-10-07; view: 474.

Forget about fortune tellers and horoscopes. The shape of a person's lips can say a lot about their personality.

Read my lips

People with full lips are usually responsible. You can always rely on them. They are also very decisive; they make decisions quickly. On the other hand, they are sometimes rather bossy. They like telling people what to do!

People who have a thin upper lip and a thin lower lip are energetic. They work very hard and enjoy taking part in a lot of activities. They are ambitious as well; they want to be successful in life. However, these people are often self-centred. They sometimes forget about other people's feelings.

People with thin lips are determined; they know what they want and they do all to get it. They are careful people who do their work with a lot of attention and thought. However, they are often reserved; they dislike showing their feelings and emotions. They can also be mean; they hate sharing things or spending money.

People who have lips with down-turning corners are very generous. They love giving things to other people and helping them. They are also intelligent and understand difficult subjects quickly and easily. On the other hand, they can be sensitive at times; they get upset easily, so be careful of what you say to them.


Personal qualities – Личные качества
Positive Negative


Образец: Responsible people are those who you can always rely on.


  1. Изучите информацию об использовании соединительных союзов и некоторых вводных слов.
Иногда возникает необходимость перечислить несколько свойств (или отрицательных, или положительных). В таком случае можно воспользоваться соединительными союзами and «и», and also «а также», and… as well «и к тому же». Например: She is friendly and (also) polite. She is friendly and polite as well. Когда мы соединяем в одном высказывании противоположные качества (положительные и отрицательные), можно воспользоваться союзом but «но» или вводными выражениями on the other hand «с другой стороны», however «однако». Например: He is helpful but he can be bossy at times. He is helpful. On the other hand/However, he can be bossy at times.

Дайте характеристики следующим людям, используя and (also), and … as well, but, however, on the other hand.

Образец:Mike is intelligent. Mike is forgetful. – Mike is intelligent but he can be forgetful.

  1. Roger is friendly. Roger is caring.
  2. John is intelligent. John is self-centred.
  3. Andrew is stubborn. Andrew is disorganized.
  4. Paul is cooperative. Paul is forgetful.
  5. Michael is energetic. Michael is bossy.
  6. Helen is attractive. Helen is shapely.
  7. Daniel is mean. Daniel is selfish.
  8. Kate is decisive. Kate is self-centered.
  9. Caroline is energetic. Caroline is rude.
  10. Nelly is sensitive. Nelly is reserved.
  11. Fred is generous. Fred is caring.
  12. Lily is determined. Lily is disorganized.


  1. Просмотрите еще раз текст Read My Lips и заполните пропуски в предложениях правильными формами глаголов в скобках. Сформулируйте правило использования глагольных форм после like, dislike, love, hate, enjoy.

1) They like (tell) people what to do!

2) They enjoy (take) part in a lot of activities.

3) They dislike (show) their feelings and emotions.

4) They hate (share) things or (spend) money.

5) They love (give) things to other people and helping them.

  1. Ответьте на вопросы по образцу. Используйте слова like, dislike, enjoy, love, hate.

Образец: A: Do you like cleaning your room?

B: Oh, yes. I love cleaning my room.

(B: No. I hate cleaning my room.)

1) Do you like listening to loud music?

2) Do you like studying Chemistry?

3) Do you like going to the dentist?

4) Do you like playing computer games?

5) Do you like walking in rainy weather?

6) Do you like telling other people what to do?

7) Do you like playing sports?

8) Do you like watching news programs?

9) Do you like staying home alone?

10) Do you like spending money?

11) Do you like spending free time with your parents?

12) Do you like showing your feelings?

13) Do you like speaking to intelligent people?

14) Do you like being a medical student?

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