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Нарисуйте комнату, о которой говорили Энрике и Клаудия. Скажите, нравится она вам или нет и почему.

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 410.

Class assignments

1. Прочитайте диалог между Энрике и его сестрой Клаудией и ответьте на вопросы. Выпишите из диалога слова, которые можно использовать для характеристики комнаты / дома. Обратите внимание на употребление предлогов места.

Enrique: Claudia, come in! Let me show you my room. I share it with Ted, you know him.

Claudia: Oh, what a cool room. Rather small, but cozy, I would say.

Enrique: Well, it's not big, in fact. But it looks spacious. Look, the window is big. It faces the quiet yard. My bed is to the right from the window; Ted's bed is on the left,it'snext tothe closet.

Claudia: Whose notebook is under the bed? Let's see, oh, it's not yours.

Enrique: Hey, look, we have a closet here and a desk oppositeit. Do you see our picture abovethe desk?

Claudia: Yes, it is your birthday party. What is in this box? Why is it here in the middle of the room?

Enrique: Claudia! These are Ted's clothes. He's rather messy.

Claudia: Now, Enrique, you are not so neat yourself!

Enrique: I AM now! My clothes are all in the closet, but Ted is really messy! You see, his clothes are all over the room. They are behind his bed, in this box on the floor; some of them are even under the desk.

Claudia: Well, Enrique, talk to him about it!

Для повторения предлогов места заполните таблицу:

Предлог места Английский эквивалент
За, позади  
Справа от  
Слева от  


2. Посмотрите на изображения различных вариантов комнаты подростка. Определите, к какому изображению (или изображениям) относятся следующие утверждения:

1) The room is not very big.

2) In this room the bed is under the window.

3) In this room the bed is above the closet.

4) In this room the reading lamp is on desk.

5) In this room the reading lamp is by the bed.

6) In this room you can see blinds on the windows.

7) In this room the PC is on the desk.

8) In this room the pillows are on the bed.

9) In this room the posters are above the desk.

10) In this room the posters are above the bed.

11) In this room the bed is opposite the bookcase.

12) In this room the window is opposite the closet.

13) The room looks very neat.

14) In this room the books are on the bed.

15) In this room the bookcase is near the window.

16) The bed doesn't look traditional.


Room 1.

Room 2.  

Room 3.


3. Прочитайте описание комнаты. Объясните использование в описании конструкции there is/are и артиклей a/the. Сформулируйте правила!

This is Mike's room. It is not very big, but quite cozy. There is one window in the room, but the window faces the south, so the room is very light.

In front of the window there is a desk. On the desk there are a lot of textbooks. There are also a lot of textbooks on the shelves.

Mike's laptop is on the desk, too. The laptop is quite new. Mike works on it every evening.

As you can guess, there is only one bed in the room. The bed is in the right corner. There is a rug in front of the bed. The rug is thick and warm.

There is a closet and a chest of drawers in the room. The closet is in the left corner. The chest of drawers is next to it. Mike's clothes are in it.

There are some posters and a clock on the wall. There is no mirror in the room.

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