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A) Используя эту информацию, определите, где какое здание находится.Date: 2015-10-07; view: 584. В таблице приведены данные о расположении различных зданий.
b) Опишите расположение зданий по отношению к другим зданиям, не повторяя содержание таблицы. 1) The hospital is … 2) The movie theater is … 3) The police station is … 4) The bowling alley is … 5) The pet shop is … 6) The dentist's office is … 7) The doctor's office is … 8) The fire station is … 9) The bank is … 10) The grocery store is … 11) The Mexican restaurant is … 12) The Italian restaurant is … 13) The beauty salon is … 14) The Laundromat is … 15) The hardware store is … 16) The post office is … 17) The school is … 18) The gas station is … 19) The drugstore is … 20) The library is …
3. Выберите одно или несколько предложений, которые можно использовать для ответа на вопрос «What do you like about your neighbourhood?» Обратите внимание на употребление much/many/a lot of, little/few. c) It is convenient. There is a supermarket (a post office, a bank, a hospital, a dental clinic) nearby. d) There is little criminal activity in my neighbourhood. e) Many of my friends live nearby. f) It is very quiet. There is little noise in my neighbourhood. g) There is a lot of traffic in my neighbourhood. h) It is close to the city center (in the center). There are many cafes and restaurants nearby. i) My neighbourhood is clean. j) It is well-lit. There is much light in the streets at night. k) My neighbourhood is old. There are a lot of historical monuments in it.
4. Выберите одно или несколько предложений, которые можно использовать для ответа на вопрос «What do you dislike about your neighbourhood?» Обратите внимание на употребление much/many/a lot of, little/few. a) It is not convenient. There is not a supermarket (a post office, a bank, a hospital, a dental clinic, a bus stop) nearby. b) There is much criminal activity in my neighbourhood. c) It is very busy. There is much noise in my neighbourhood. d) There is little traffic in my neighboorhood. e) It is far from the city center (in the outskirts). There are very few cafes and restaurants in the outskirts. f) My neighbourhood is very dirty. There is much litter in the streets. g) My neighbourhood is rather plain. There are very few decorations in the streets. h) It is very dark. There is little light in the streets at night. i) My neighbourhood is new. There are many modern buildings in it.
5. Нарисуйте приблизительную схему района, где вы живете. Расспросите однокурсника о районе, в котором он живет, используя его схему. Задайте два общих вопроса, один специальный и один альтернативный вопрос. Ответьте на его вопросы о вашем районе с помощью вашей схемы. Пример: -- Is there a restaurant in your neighbourhood? (общий вопрос)– No, there isn't. -- Is there a cafeteria in your neighbourhood? (общий вопрос) – Yes, there is. -- Where is it? (специальный вопрос) – It's in Central Street, across from the bank. --Is it in the outskirts or in the center? (альтернативный вопрос) – It is in the outskirts, it is rather quiet.