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Найдите английские эквиваленты следующих выражений в материалах Unit 10. Выучите их. Подготовьтесь к ЛД.

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 406.

Home assignment

My plans

My last vacation

a) Where / go / for your last vacation?

b) Who / go with?

c) How / travel?

d) What / do?

e) Where / stay?

f) What places / visit?

a) Where / go / for your next vacation?

b) Who / go / with you?

c) How / travel?

d) What / do?

e) Where / stay?

f) What places / visit?


1) путешествовать самолетом; 2) на борту самолета; 3) путешествовать поездом; 4) путешествовать на машине; 5) планы на отпуск/выходные; 6) по дороге; 7) навестить родственников; 8) за городом; 9) встретиться с друзьями; 10) отдохнуть после тяжелой недели; 11) остаться в городе; 12) фотографировать; 13) пойти в поход в горы; 14) устроить пикник на берегу моря; 15) поехать в отпуск за границу; 16) осматривать достопримечательности; 17) пляжный отдых; 18) взять машину напрокат; 19) позволить себе роскошный отель; 20) остановиться в дешевом хостеле; 21) бояться полетов.

2. Измените предложения по образцу. Задайте вопросы к выделенным обстоятельствам.

Пример: I am going to spend holidays away from home (We…) – We are going to spend holidays away from home. Where are you going to spend holidays?

1. She is going to have a very short vacation in Thailand. (They…)___________________________________________________________


2. We are going to stay in Venice for a few days. (She…)-________________________________________________________________


3. They are going to travel to the next city by bus. (I…)- ________________________________________________________________


4. I am going to fly to Egypt in two weeks. (She…)-_______________________________________________________________


5. I am going to do sightseeing in China. (We…)-________________________________________________________________


6. We are going to stay in a luxury hotel. (She…)-_______________________________________________________________


7. She is going to enjoy beach life and surfing in Turkey. (I…)-________________________________________________________________


8. We are going to rent a car by telephone. (He…)- _______________________________________________________________


9. He is going to do some hiking in Karelia. (They …)- ________________________________________________________________


10. I am going to work in the garden on the weekend. (She…)--________________________________________________________________


11. I am going to practice English in Great Britain. (She…)--________________________________________________________________


12. We are going to read for tomorrow's classes at home. (She…)--________________________________________________________________


13. We are going to have a picnic in the countryside. (I…)--_________________________________________________________________


14. I am going to read a book on board a plane. (They…)--_________________________________________________________________


15. She is going to take many pictures in Italy. (We …)--__________________________________________________________________


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