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Specialist Reading

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 364.

Choose as many words from the table оf ex. 1 as you can and form sensible sentences in Present Continuous (affirmative, negative and interrogative).

Match the following sentences with their translations

Translate the following sentences. Start your translation from an adverbial modifier of place.

1. There is one grid in a triode. 2. There are two grids in a tetrode. 3. There are three grids in a pentode. 4. There is no grid in a diode.


1. The third element is called "a grid". A. Чем ближе сетка к катоду, тем больше у нее влияние на поток электронов.
2. It is placed between the cathode and the plate. B. К сетке приложено низкое отрицательное напряжение.
3. The purpose of a grid is to control the flow of electrons. C. Это приводит к возникновению большого анодного тока.
4. The closer the grid is to the cathode, the more influence it has on the electron flow. D. Вакуумные триоды могут усиливать ток.
5. The more negative the grid, the less the plate current. E. Третий элемент называется «сеткой».
6. A small negative voltage is applied to the grid. F. Она помещается между катодом и анодом.
7. This results in a large plate current.   G. Назначение сетки - управлять потоком электронов.
8. Vacuum triodes can amplify current. H. Чем более отрицательна сетка, тем меньше будет анодный ток.


For example: In fig. A the grid is controlling the current flow.

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