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Binding Materials.Date: 2015-10-07; view: 478. Manufacturing of binding materials and products based on them. Виробництво в'яжучих матеріалів і виробів на їх основі. Заняття 1. Find more information about vacuum tubes and tell your group mates. Serve as simultaneous interpreter. Make an oral reverse interpretation of the text. Make a reverse written translation (from Russian into English) of the Extract you have translated. Translate into English the summary made in ex.21 of the text you haven't read. In Russian write a content-based summary of the text you have translated.
1.Термінологія . 2.Переклад тексту. 3.Визначення походження слів та їх переклад. Exercise 1. Words and expressions for the text comprehension: utilized -використаний bonding –зв'язок, крыплення waterproofing -гідроізоляція rocklike -твердий як скеля composition -склад properties - властивості preserve -зберігати plugging -закупорка blast-furance -доменний limestone-slag –шлак вапняку hydraulic lime –гідравлічне вапно limestone-nephelinic -вапняк-нефелінових steam treatment -обробки парою air-hardening lime -повітряне тверднення вапна asphalt -асфальт pitch –смола furan resins –фуранові смоли Exercise 2. Read the text and write dоwn unknown words and terms. Exercise 3. Translate the text. Binding materials utilized in construction for making concretes and mortars, in bondingtogether individual elements of structural components, in waterproofing, and so on. Mineral cementing materials. Mineral binding materials are powdered substances that have the capacity when mixed (with water) to form a plastic mass that later hardens into a strong, rocklike solid. Depending on their composition, basic properties, and field of utilization, mineral binding materials are subdivided into hydraulic, air-entrained, and acid-resistant types. Hydraulic binding materials, after mixing with water and preliminary hardening in the air, continue to preserve and increase their strength in water; they may be used in underground and underwater hydraulic-engineering and other installations. Hydraulic binding materials include various cements: Portland cement and its varieties (quick-setting, plasticized, hydrophobic, plugging, sulfate-resistant, and nonstaining), pozzolanic cements (Portland-pozzolanic cement and limestone-pozzolanic cement), blast-furance cements (metallurgical cement, limestone-slag cement, and sulfate-slag cement), alumina and expanding cements, Roman cement, and hydraulic lime. In order to intensify the hardening processes in certain hydraulic binding materials (limestone-siliceous, limestone-slag, limestone-nephelinic, and others), steam treatment is utilized in autoclaves at a pressure ranging from 0.9 to 1.6 meganewtons per sq m (9 to 16 kilograms-force per sq cm) for a period of nine to ten hours. Air-entrained binding materials can harden and maintain their strength after mixing only in the air; they are used solely for erecting aboveground structures that are not subject to the action of water. This group of materials includes gypsum cements (construction plaster, supersulfate cement, and highly fired gypsum), magnesian cements (caustic magnesite and dolomite), and air-hardening lime. Acid-resistant binding materials can maintain their strength after hardening in air while in contact with acids; they are utilized in the construction of acid-resistant coverings. Such binding materials include acid-resistant cements, which are produced on the basis of water glass (sodium silicate) and acid-resistant microfillers and hardening accelerators. Various additives are introduced into binding materials in order to improve certain of their properties. Organic binding materials. Organic binding materials are substances of organic origin (asphalt, bitumens, pitch, polyvinyl acetate, and furan resins) that have the capacity to make the transition from a plastic state to the hardness or slightly plastic states under the influence of physical or chemical processes. Exercise 4. Put 10 questions to the text. Exercise 5. Finish the following sentences according to the text: 1.Binding materials utilized in … . 2.Mineral binding materials are… . 3.Mineral binding materials are subdivided … . 4.Hydraulic binding materials include various cements … . 5.Air-entrained binding materials include … . 6.Acid-resistant binding materials can … . 7.Organic binding materials are … .