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Exercise 5. Answer the questions in the affirmative and negative form and translate from English into Russian.Date: 2015-10-07; view: 483. Ответ на общий вопрос. Exercise 4. Translate the sentences from English into Russian. Exercise 3. Write the second form of these verbs. to trust to act to attract to offer to select to require to reach 1. I liked big cities. 2. Tim worked very hard yesterday. 3. Last month we stayed at a luxury hotel. 4. I love my country very much. 5. He helped me to do my homework the day before yesterday. 6. They accepted our invitation. 7. Last Christmas we travelled by car. 8. I wanted to work there. 9. I like flowers. Глагол to be в прошедшем времени В прошедшем времени глагол to be имеет два варианта спряжения: was и were. Wasупотребляется с существительными в единственном числе, were – с существительными во множественном числе. С местоимением you, которое может переводиться как “вы” и “ты”, используется только were.
В отрицательных предложениях часто используется краткая отрицательная форма: was+not = wasn't, were+not = weren't. It was not a difficult task = It wasn't a difficult task. Это было не сложное задание. They were not at the party = They weren't at the party. Они не были на вечеринке. Was it a good party? – Yes, it was. / No, it wasn't (was not).