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Date: 2015-10-07; view: 399.

Exercise 25. Turn these indirect questions into direct ones.

Exercise 24. Turn these direct questions into indirect ones. Begin with







Косвенные вопросы строятся не как прямые вопросы, а как утверждения. Общий косвенный вопрос присоединяется к главному предложению при помощи частицы ifили whether – “ли”.

Специальные вопросы: Why is Ann missing? => I don't know why Ann is missing.

Where does he live? => I wonder where he lives.

What time did you get up? => He asks what time you got up.


Общие вопросы: Are they busy? => Do you know if they are busy?

Did Pat come in time? => They want to know whether Pat came in time.

I wonder …

Do you happen to know …

I have no idea …

  1. What day is it today?
  2. When did they start shooting?
  3. Are you happy?
  4. Were you at university yesterday?
  5. Am I doing all right?
  6. Where did she find it?
  7. Did he sign the contract?
  8. Were there many people at the launch party?
  9. How many lenses has he got?




1. He asks what time it is.

2. I wonder if they need a graphic designer.

3. Does anyone know if the grip is on set at the moment?

4. I wonder if I can offer a suggestion.

5. Do you know what qualifications he's got?

6. Do you happen to know how the interview went?

7. Everyone wants to know who he represents.

8. We'd like to know if we must redo this job.


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Exercise 23. Look at the cartoons, arrange the actions in the logical order and say what | Exercise 26. Make sure you know the words used in the article “Walt Disney”. Then read the article.
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