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Date: 2015-10-07; view: 425.



A F F I R M A T I V E I wasplaying. He wasplaying. She wasplaying. It wasplaying.   We wereplaying. You wereplaying. They wereplaying.
I N T E R R O G A T I V E (How well)Was I playing? Washeplaying? – Yes, he was. / No, he was not. Wasshe playing? – Yes, she was. / No, she wasn't. Wasitplaying?   Wereweplaying? Wereyouplaying? – Yes, we were. / No, we were not. Weretheyplaying? – Yes, they were. / No, they weren't.
N E G A T I V E I was not playing. (I wasn't playing.) He was notplaying. (He wasn't playing.) … She was notplaying. It was notplaying.   We were notplaying. (We weren't playing.) You were notplaying. (You weren't playing)… They were notplaying.


I. Past Continuous обозначает действие, которое совершалось в определённый момент времени в прошлом. Неважно, закончилось действие или нет, было ли оно прервано. Важно, что началось оно когда-то раньше, и в тот момент оно было в процессе.

Момент времени может быть обозначен:

1) указанием на точку времени;

Напр.: What wereyou doing at six o'clock yesterday evening? – I was making dinner.


2) указанием на период времени;

Напр.: This time last year she was havinga holiday.


3) другим, более коротким действием.

Напр.: When I got up this morning the sun was shining, the birds were singing


II. Так же, как Present Continuous в настоящем, Past Continuous может передавать раздражение, особенно в сочетании со словами alwaysи continually.

Напр.: I didn't like him – he was always borrowing money.


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