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A Great Jazz Cop: Detective Cunningham

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 1592.

Exercise 44. a) Translate the lyrics into Russian and then sing along.

C) In pairs or small groups. Take turns asking and answering your questions.

B) Make 10 questions to the text.

lyrics by S. Kustyan


He was walking out one night Where are you going late at night?
When I took him by surprise. Tell me now, don't you lie!
He didn't see me coming down. Tell me the truth,
He was trying to escape I am detective Cunningham.
When I jumped over his head
And I tied him down to the ground. When I come, they run
I am as strong as a rock.

I am detective Cunningham. Elementary, my dear Watson
You can call me superman. Oh, yes, just call me Sherlock.
When you call? When all hope is lost.
What were you doing there that night? I was watching him closely
Tell me now, don't you lie! When he said softly to me,
Tell me the truth, “I must confess, I'm just plain guilty.”
I am detective Cunningham. I stood up and coughed a bit
As I gathered all my wit,
When I come, they run. Oh, yes, again another victory.
I am as strong as a rock
Elementary, my dear Watson. I am detective Cunningham.
Oh, yes, just call me Sherlock. You can call me superman.
When you call? When all hope is lost.
He was trying to pretend And if you think you can fool me
When I hit him on the head, Then you are wrong and plain silly.
That what I saw was just self-defense. We tell the truth to detective Cunningham!
He was trying to tell me
When I kicked him in the knee, When I come, they run
That he was a victim of chats. I am as strong as a rock
Elementary, my dear Watson.
I am detective Cunningham. Oh, yes, just call me Sherlock.
I can tell that you are a sham
The one you call when all is despair.



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