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Grammar : Present, Past, Future Simple (Indefinite) Настоящее, прошедшее, будущее простое ( неопределенное время)

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 419.

Give Russian equivalents to the following proverbs and sayings and explain them in English.

Translate into English

1. Здесь много книг. 2. Здесь мало света. 3. В этом зале много стульев. 4. В этой комнате много мебели. 5. На столе много книг. 6. В нашем городе много театров. 7. В этом зале всего несколько картин.8. На столе несколько тетрадей. 9. В стакане немного молока. 10. На окне несколько цветов.

1. There is no place like home.

2. There is no smoke without fire.

3. There is no rose without a thorn.

4. There are spots even on the sun.

5. While there is life, there is a hope.

Времена группы Simple (Indefinite) показывает постоянное повторяющееся действие, констатацию факта, действия, происходящие в настоящее, прошедшее или будущее время.

  Positive Negative Interrogative
Present Simple V (V3) Every day, week, etc. usually, often, seldom, always, never, sometimes I oftenread English books. He seldom reads. I don't read French book. He doesn't read Spanish books. Do you read books? Does he read books? Whatdo you read? Whoreads?
Past Simple V ed (V2) Yesterday, two days ago, last week, month, in 2001, when, then We played tennis last week. He went to London 2 month ago. We didn't play tennis. He didn't go to London. Did you play tennis? Wheredid he go? Who played tennis?
Future Simple Will + V Tomorrow, next week, in an hour, tonight, the day after tomorrow, soon We will go to the park. He will not (won't) go to the park. Will you go to the park? Who will go to the park? Where will they go?

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