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Pre-reading Activities

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 368.

Key Vocabulary

Study the following vocabulary and do the tasks that follow.

1. allocation n распределение
2. distribute v распределять
3. divide v делиться, подразделять
4. behaviour n поведение
5. affect v влиять
6. make a profit получать прибыль
7. study v изучать
8. entire adj весь, взятый в целом
9. unemployment n безработица
10. income n доход
11. rate of growth темп роста
12. gross domestic product (GDP) валовый внутренний продукт (ВВП)
13. price level ценовой уровень
14. cause v быть причиной, вызывать
15. trend n направление, тенденция
16. interdependent adj взаимозависимый



1. Use a dictionary and underline the odd word (лишнее слово) in each line. Explain your choice and learn the vocabulary.

a) distribution – allocation – consumption

b) examine – deal with – study

c) effect – affect – influence

d) allocate – connect – distribute


2. Complete the crossword puzzle using your active vocabulary.



1. the state of not having a job

2. complete or full

3. money earned by work or investments

4. to make something happen

5. distribution

6. the amount of money expected, required, or given in payment for something

7. a general direction in which something is developing or changing

8. to inspect (someone or something) thoroughly in order to determine their nature or condition

9. to have an influence on someone or something, or to cause them to change

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