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Read the statements and say whether they are true (T) or false (F). Correct the false ones.

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 568.



1. Answer the Questions

1. What has happened to Wakely's?

2. Has the management style at the plant changed?

3. How has the new management style affected the staff?

4. What was the reason for the argument on the shop floor?

5. Why was the union meeting called?

6. How many grievances were presented?

7. Why did the blue-collar workers complain about language tuition?

8. Would the blue-collar workers like to receive language tuition too? Why?

9. Why has the new management reduced the subsidy to the factory's sports teams and club?

10. Why do the staff consider this unfair?

11. Do the assembly-line workers like their female American manager? Why?

1. Wakely's is an American building company.

2. Workers at the factory welcomed changes in the management style.

3. An argument took place in the offices.

4. The union refused to discuss the grievances.

5. The workers presented a long list of grievances to the management.

6. The blue-collar workers were the instigators of the conflict.

7. Language tuition was available for white-collar workers in their free time.

8. The blue-collar staff were not interested in language learning.

9. The blue-collar staff were satisfied with their status.

10. The new management did not want to encourage drunkenness.

11. The cut in the subsidy affected only the lower- and middle-level staff.

12. Retired workers did not care for the club.

13. The female American manager was friendly to the workers.

14. The assembly-line workers were eager (очень хотели) to learn new techniques.

15. The young manager always treated the older workers with respect.



3. Supply the missing words and word combinations


1. Changes in management style have caused t------ at the plant.

2. An argument took place on the s--- f---- yesterday.

3. Some of the b--- - c----- workers lost their temper.

4. L------- t------ is available for sales and marketing staff during work time.

5. The management has reduced the s------ paid to the factory's sports teams.

6. The Managing Director said the subsidy encouraged drunkenness.

7. Golfing weekends at expensive hotels are offered to s----- e--------.

8. Male a------- - l--- workers were a------ of negative b-------- and s-----.

9. The f----- American manager claims the workers are r-------- to new techniques and equipment.

10. The union is trying to find a s------- to the problem.




1. Choose the correct word or word combination


1. Wakely's was … by an American conglomerate.

a. respected b. sold c. taken over

2. Changes in management style … .

a. were welcomed by the workers

b. caused tension at the plant

c. encouraged drunkenness

3. Some … lost their temper at the extra work they were asked to do.

a. marketing staff b. senior executives c. blue-collar workers

4. The union is ready for … .

a. a golfing weekend b. extra work c. confrontation

5. An argument took place … .

a. at the club b. in the offices c. on the shop floor

6. Stonebridge … language tuition.

a. cancelled b. reduced the subsidy for c. is investing heavily in

7. … is available for sales and marketing staff during work time.

a. Free lunch b. Language tuition c. The use of sports equipment

8. Learning a language will … blue-collar workers ‘ prospects.

a. improve b. threaten c. affect

9. The American manager is … .

a. sensitive to the workers' culture

b. resistant to new techniques and equipment

c. bad-tempered and arrogant

10. The assembly-line workers … .

a. are resistant to new techniques

b. are better paid than the sales and marketing staff

c. dislike the female American manager

11. The club is the place where the staff can … .

a. play golf after a hard day's work

b. learn a language

c. relax

12. The female American manager treats the older workers … .

a. with respect b. with contempt c. with care


2. Match the words and expressions with their definitions


1a large business organization that was formed when several different businesses joined together atension
2 the feeling caused by a lack of trust between people who do not agree about something b to take over
3 to take control of something cconglomerate
4to say that something is true, even though there is no definite proof d blue-collar workers
5 a moving belt in a factory that moves the product being made from one stage to the next eon the shop floor
6 people given responsibility for making important decisions in a business organization f argument
7 people whose job is to sell products or services for their company ggrievance
8 an amount of money paid to help to reduce the cost of a product or service hsales staff
9a complaint about being treated in an unfair way Isenior executives
10an angry disagreement between people Jsubsidy
11in the area in a factory where products are made kassembly-line
12people who do work that involves using physical strength or skill with their hands rather than working in an office lto claim


3. Put the words in the correct word order


1. is / Virfen / based / where / ?

2. have / a / does / reputation / it / strong / ?

3. produce / what / unit / one / cost / does /it / to / ?

4. e-books / used / for / are / what / ?

5. many / produce / a / how / day / units / can / a / the / company / ?

7. many / researched / potential / how / markets / has / the / company / ?

9. rivals / market / in / the / have / does / the / company / what / ?

10. managers / to / pay / a / price / high / ready / ready / high-level / be / may / .

11. kind of / may / e-books / need / people / what / ?

12. advantage / have / does / the Caxton Reader / what / competitive / ?


4. Give the English equivalents


a. синие воротнички…………………………………………………………….

b. cубсидия..…………………………………………………………………………

с. в цехе…………………………………………………………………….....................

d. обучение языку………………………………………………………………………………

е. персонал отдела продаж и маркетинга………………………………………………………………………

f. напряженность……………………………………………………………………

g. установить контроль (над чем-либо)………………………………………………………………………………..

h. конвейер……………………………………………………………………………

i. жалоба………………………………………………………………………………

j. утверждать…………………………………………………………………………

k. презрительно обращаться…………………………………………………………………………

l. пьянство……………………………………………………………………………


5. Prove the following statements (аgree or disagree)

1. The blue-collar workers do not want to learn languages.

2. The new management is trying to keep the old traditions at Wakely's.

3. Probably the female American manager will have to go.



6. Your opinion

1. How can staff protest if they do not get what they want?

2. Whose side should the union take in the conflict? How can the union bring pressure on the management? (strike, overtime ban etc) What consequences can such actions have?

3. Why is language tuition available for sales and marketing staff during work time but the blue-collar staff can only learn a language in their free time?

4. How can language learning improve the blue-collar workers prospects?

5. Do you think the assembly-line workers disliked their American manager because she is a woman, or because she is an American, or because she is too young?

6. What do you think the management will do after the union presents the workers' grievances?



- Привет, Джон! Не видел тебя сто лет. Как дела?

- Привет! Жизнь идет своим чередом. Рад тебя видеть.

- Ты выглядишь озабоченным. Что-нибудь случилось?

- Ничего особенного. Некоторые проблемы на работе.

- Ты работаешь у Wakely's, не так ли?

- Теперь мы часть американского конгломерата Stonebridge Inc. Они приобрели нашу компанию в прошлом году.

- Поздравляю. Теперь вы работаете с самыми передовыми технологиями.

- Теперь мы работаем с самыми агрессивными менеджерами, которые не уважают наш опыт и относятся к пожилым рабочим с презрением.

- Я не могу этому поверить! Ты шутишь!

- Нет, я говорю совершенно серьезно. Стиль управления в компании изменился и это вызвало напряженность в цехе. Мы вынуждены делать много дополнительной работы, и некоторые рабочие просто выходят из себя.

- Что думает ваш профсоюз?

- Профсоюз готов к конфронтации, а мы представили наши жалобы.

- На что вы жалуетесь?

- Прежде всего, на несправедливое отношение к рабочим. Компания вкладывает много денег в обучение иностранному языку, но рабочие могут изучать его только в свое свободное время, а персонал отдела продаж и маркетинга изучает язык в рабочее время. Это несправедливо. Им и так платят намного больше, чем рабочим.

- Но в любом случае (anyway), знание иностранного языка может улучшить перспективы рабочих.

- Ты прав, но мы хотим справедливого отношения. Еще одна жалоба касается субсидий для спортивных команд завода и клуба. Руководство решило сократить субсидии. Возможно, они закроют клуб. Они говорят, что они не хотят поощрять пьянство. Но клуб – это место где мы можем расслабиться после тяжелой работы.

- Да, это - действительно проблема. Но я думаю, вы победите. Руководство будет вынуждено удовлетворить ваши требования.

- Надеюсь.



1. Dealing with customer complaints

The following are parts of a telephone conversation between a customer and the Customer Services clerk. Put them in the correct order.

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