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IV. Match the adjectives with their meaning

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 404.



The first computer programmer VS The ZX Spectrum

3. suitable for most situations or jobs, or having a wide range of uses

7. the process or business of producing goods in factories

12. to make a new product, book etc available for sale for the first time; to start something important

16. to expect that something will happen; to do something before someone else

19. a statement or way of saying something that makes something else seem better, larger etc than it really is

20. always supporting your friends, principles, country etc

1. used by, involving, or relating to the army, navy, or airforce

2. a type of small bag in or on a coat, trousers etc that you can put money, keys etc in

4. to be the cause of something

5. a substance used to make tyres, boots etc, which is made from the juice of a tropical tree or artificially

6. an idea, plan, organization etc that someone has thought of without any help from anyone else

8. someone who feels happy about things in the past and in some ways wishes that things had not changed

9. to influence something such as a belief, opinion etc and make it develop in a particular way

10. a subject or problem that is often discussed or argued about, especially a social or political matter that affects the interests of a lot of people

11. to state something in an exact and detailed way

13. feeling of liking or love and caring

14. to do something without help from anyone else

15. someone who starts a new business or arranges business deals in order to make money, often in a way that involves financial risks

17. to write a piece of music

18. able to be controlled by a computer or electronic program

1)small a) extremely small number or amount

2)low b) prices, wages, level etc. less than usual or less than they should be

3)tiny /' taini/ c) amount which is so small that it often makes very small difference to something

4) minute / mai'nju:t/ d) a very general word for talking about the size of something that is not large in size/amount

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