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III. Complete the sentences with the words from the Useful Language (the first letter is given)

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 399.

II. Match the words to make word combinations. Translate them into Russian.

I. Match the words (1-10) with their definitions (a-j)

1.share a.not having physical or mental abilities that most people have
2.revenues b.something which you plan to do or achieve
3.inflation c.the money that an organization receives from its business
4.satisfactory d.the total amount that can be produced
5.objective e.one of the equal parts into which the ownership of a company is divided
6.diversity f.a general, continuous increase in prices
7.disabled g.likely to last for a long time without breaking or getting weaker
8.approximation h.good enough for a particular purpose
9.durable i.the quality of including a range of many people or things
10.capacity j.an estimate of an amount that is almost correct, but not exact
1.diversity a.market
2.environmental b.costs
3.measure c.share
4.manage d.target
5.safety e.of workforce
6.stock f.performance
7.sales g.record
8.market h.performance
9.socially i.market
10.stock j.responsible

1.We have a lot of positive feedback, which is very e……………… .

2.The a……………… cost will be about $500.

3.The doctor has a good r……………… .

4.It's impossible to e……………… this product now, we need to know if its material is d……………….

5.We're not sure where we'll l……………… our new f………………, it has to be out of the city not to p ……………… the air with its emissions.

6.We had to d……………… our prices because the s ……………… showed people think they're too high.

7.Because of the d……………… s……………… results the prices of our s……………… have dropped.

8.There was a lot of positive f……………… which was very e……………….

9.The company had to l……………… ……………… many workers because of the crisis.

10.In t……………… ……………… my new work is much better, but there's no d……………… of w………………, all employees are men.


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