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Глаголы, выражающие чувства, умственную деятельность, в Continuous не употребляются.

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 432.

B) для придания постоянному действию эмоциональной окраски

A) совершающегося в момент речи или в данный период времени


Вопросительная форма




The Present Continuous Tense

Unit 4

tobe + V-ing

V-ing – причастие 1 или причастие настоящего времени

I am reading

You are reading

He is reading

She is reading

The cat is sleeping

We are reading

You are reading

They are reading

I am not reading

You are not reading

He is not reading

She is not reading

The cat is not sleeping

We are not reading

You are not reading

They are not reading


are not = aren't

is not = isn't


- Are you reading? - Yes, I am.

- Is he reading? - No, he isn't.



+ - +

- You are reading, aren't you? -- Yes, I am.


-- No, I am not.

Специальный вопрос

- What are you reading? – I am reading an interesting article.


Who is reading my journal? – I am.

Для выражения действия,

It is raining.

Tom is building a new house now.


You are always finding fault with me.

Why are you complaining all the time?


c) запланированного действия в будущем


I am having a party on Saturday.

I think everything will be OK (all correct).


I'm sorry, but …

· I'm sorry, but you have to be better than this.

· I'm doing the best I can.

· I'm sorry, but you have to walk faster than this.

· I'm walking as fast as I can.

· I'm sorry, but you have to work harder than this.

· I'm working as hard as I can.

· It's not enough.

It's not good enough.

· I'm doing my best.

· Try a little harder.

· But I'm doing my best.

· Try a little harder.

· I can't, I can't.

· Don't say ‘can't'.

· I won't, I won't. But I'm doing my best.

· Do a little better.

· I'm doing my best.

· Try a little harder.

· I'll try, I'll try.

Exercise 1. Say and respond as in the model:

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Glossary | Model 3
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