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Tobermory the Cat

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 445.

Pronounce V2 correctly, please.

Reading for Interest

V. Translate the following sentences. Перевести следующие предложения.

Записаться на прием с кем-л. для ...)

Продать л. кому-л.

Запрос для стационарных

1. Мы ведем торговлю с разными странами.

2. Мы заинтересованы в предложении Smith&Co.

3. Нам бы хотелось получить самые последние каталоги вашей компании.

4. На переговорах мы обсуждаем все условия контракта.

5. Я часто разговариваю по телефону с нашими партнерами в Германии.

6. Какаяпогоданаулице?


1. We trade with other countries.

2. We are interested in offering Smith & Co.

3. We would like to get the latest catalogs your company.

4. During the talks, we discuss all the conditions of the contract.

5. Often I'm on the phone with our partners in Germany.

6. Kakayapogodanaulitse?


One August afternoon, Lady Blemley was in her sitting-room. Some of her friends were with her. Their names were Miss Resker, Miss Pellington, Mrs. Cornett, and Mr. Cornelius Appin. Mr. Appin was a young man.

He said, ‘I can teach English to animals.'

‘Can you?' asked Lady Blemley.

‘Yes. Your cat, Tobermory, can speak English now.'

Lady Blemley said to her husband, ‘Wilfred, get Tobermory, please.'

Sir Wilfred went out. He cameback with Tobermory.

‘Where's my milk?' asked Tobermory.

Lady Blemley put some milk on the floor for him.

‘Tobermory, do you like me?' asked Miss Resker.

‘I don't think about you much,' said Tobermory. ‘Sir Wilfred likes you. I saw you two in the garden this morning.'

Miss Resker's face was red. Sir Wilfred's was, too.

‘But you like me, Tobermory,' said Miss Pellington.

‘Lady Blemley doesn't like you,' answered Tobermory.

‘Tobermory!' said Lady Blemley. ‘She is my old friend!'

‘Perhaps,' said Tobermory. ‘She is going to buy your car, isn't she? It's no good. Too old, like her.'

Lady Blemley's face was red. Miss Pellington's was, too.

‘Tobermory,' said Mrs. Cornett. ‘Lady Blemley and Sir Wilfred are buying your food.'

‘They are buying yours too,' said Tobermory. ‘You said, ‘I don't like the Blemleys much, but their food is good.'

Mrs. Cornett's face was red. Tobermory went out of the room.

‘Mr. Appin,' said Lady Blemley, ‘can Tobermory teach English to all his cat friends?'

‘Yes,' answered Mr Appin.

‘Then, Wilfred, we must …'

‘Yes,' said Sir Wilfred. ‘Tonight.'

But Tobermory listened at the door. He went away and didn't come back.


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