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Suggested Classroom activities

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 695.

How you can help your learners

Express your opinion on the advice given below. How realistic is it to implement the suggested activities in class. Are they appropriate for all kinds of learners?

… Familiarise your learners with these good learner traits

… Remind them of /revise these characteristics actively and often

… Involve your students in deciding on the best ways of acquiring these characteristics

… Show interest in your learners' progress

… Encourage them to be openly reflective and critical about how they are measuring up


  • A mini-lecture by the teacher, director of studies or an ‘expert' – the characteristics mentioned to the learners may be reduced or given fully according to level and age group
  • Frequent questions after an activity has been completed
  • A class discussion in groups during which the learners work out some ways of helping themselves and each other to develop these good qualities
  • Frequent questions to groups and individuals about how they are progressing with regard to any of the dimensions mentioned in the list
  • A discussion during the feedback to an activity during which learners discuss how they approached the task, how they feel they did and what course of action they must follow in order to improve





Reflective learning. Listening and filling in the gaps. Vocabulary and collocations..

As students become reflective learners, they begin to develop their own personal learning strategies and to make progress by identifying small successes. Through frequent peer and self-assessments, learning becomes increasingly transparent and students realize the responsibility for learning is their own.

In the following video, teachers discuss changes they have seen as their students become reflective learners. (http://www.learnnc.org/lp/editions/linguafolio/5572?style=print)

While watching the video, fill in the gaps with words or expressions and explain the meaning of these words or expressions:


1. I think students, and it's a function of having to do this in other classes, sometimes tend to __________________________________ their learning.

2. So I am ___________________________________ what we learned 2 weeks ago, 2 months ago, 2 years ago, if I want to keep getting better and more ______________________ the language.

3. By teaching them to reflect and see where their strengths are and their weaknesses are, you're teaching them to take _____________________ what they have been able to do but to take ownership of where they can still go with their learning.

4. The reflective learning has helped them to set their goals to realize what they want to work on, what they want to ____________________ and also to realize what they can _____________________.

5. They just come to school and take it __________________________ that they are learning in German without seeing the end goal in sight.

6. Am I really using classroom time well so that I can produce language well, so that I am ____________________ listening, so that I am ______________________ speaking.

7. You are telling me what's happening ______ that picture.

8. And then after you get that I say, “How did you do? Did you give it ________________________?”

9. And they realize they don't have to read the textbook and take a test... Oh I can make a music video, oh, I can do this in a _________________ language.

10. They are using technology, they are having fun and they are __________________ 21st century skills and they are still _________________________________ for their language learning.

11. They become a lot more creative and start to think ________________________, use a lot of higher order thinking skills.

12. That is what we want. We don't want memorization and ________________________

13. It helps them __________________ in their learning process.


(The key (for teachers):

1) I think students, and it's a function of having to do this in other classes, sometimes tend to compartmentalize their learning.

2) So I am accountable for what we learned 2 weeks ago, 2 months ago, 2 years ago, if I want to keep getting better and more proficient in the language.

3) By teaching them to reflect and see where their strengths are and their weaknesses are, you're teaching them to take ownership of what they have been able to do but to take ownership of where they can still go with their learning.

4) The reflective learning has helped them to set their goals to realize what they want to work on, what they want to accomplish and also to realize what they can accomplish.

5) They just come to school and take it for granted that they are learning in German without seeing the end goal in sight.

6) Am I really using classroom time well so that I can produce language well, so that I am proficient in listening, so that I am proficient in speaking

7) You are telling me what's happening in that picture.

8) And then after you get that I say, “How did you do? Did you give it your best shot?”

9) And they realize they don't have to read the textbook and take a test... Oh I can make a music video, oh, I can do this in a target language.

10) They are using technology, they are having fun and they are integrating 21st century skills and they are still meeting the needs for their language learning.

11) They become a lot more creative and start to think outside the box, use a lot of higher order thinking skills

12) That is what we want. We don't want memorization and regurgitation

13) It helps them evolve in their learning process.)

Which of these changes would you most like to see in your own students?

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