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Task 2. Match the words with their correct definitions

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 398.

Task 1. Read the words and state a part of speech

Unit 2. Basic geometric concepts

Task 5. Fill in the gaps with the suitable words below

1. The current introductions of new concepts in any field __(1)__ mathematics to grow rapidly.

2) Axioms __(2)__ the second major component of any branch of mathematics.

3) The objective of mathematical activity __(3)__ the theorems deduced from a set of axioms.

4) The amount of information that can be __(4)__ from the some sets of axioms is almost incredible.

5) Mathematical theorems must be deductive __(5)__ and __(6)__.

6) Man __(7)__ objects in the physical world and __(8)__ numbers names to represent one aspect of experience.

7) Mathematicians __(9)__ that pure mathematics is the most original creation of the human mind.

enables constitute consists of distinguishes deduced proved established invents claim

A triangle, triangular, a square, square, a circle, circular, diameter, radius, circumference, rectangular, a rectangle.

1. circle, 2. circumference, 3. diameter, 4. square, 5. triangle, 6. radius, 7. rectangle

a) a shape with four straight sides and four angles.

b) the distance from the centre of a circle to its edge, or a straight line from the centre to the edge.

c) a flat shape that has three strait sides and three angles.

d) a shape with four straight sides of equal length and four corners called right angles.

e) a straight line that crosses the circle through the centre.

f) the distant measured around the edge of a circle or a round object or area.

g) a round shape consisting of a curved line that completely encloses a space and is the same distance from the centre at every point.


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Task 4. Match the suitable parts of the sentences | Text 2. Basic geometric concepts
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