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General Properties of Air

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 384.

Properties of Air

Answer the following question and read the text below to check your answer.


Adjectives Adverbs

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Give Russian equivalents of the following words and phrases. Try to memorize them.


Read and translate the words given below. Mind the stresses.

Find out what these abbreviations mean. Write them in words.

Example: km = kilometre

deg C, mbar, Kg/cu metre,psia, ft, bar, RH

Oxygen Neon Nitrogen Helium Argon Krypton
Carbon Dioxide Xenon Hydrogen

vapour gravity  
dust altitude  
microbe lid  
pollen pump  
to pump to squeeze  
to compress to qualify  
to stack up to saturate  
to contract to drip out  
to collapse    
to interrelate    
accurate slightly  
obvious accurately  

Why can it be important to know properties of air?

Air has all sorts of properties. First of all let's consider its properties and try to get rid of some misunderstandings.

1) Air has weight.

2) Air is under pressure.

3) Air has temperature.

4) Air has a volume.

5) Air usually contains some water vapour.

Air is a mixture of gases, mainly nitrogen and oxygen. The typical composition of natural air is as follows.

Component. Mass% (dry air) Volume % (dry air)
Oxygen 23.14 20.9476
Nitrogen 75.52 78.084
Argon 1.288 0.934
Carbon Dioxide 0.048 0.0314
Hydrogen 0.000003 0.00005
Neon 0.00127 0.001818
Helium 0.000073 0.000524
Krypton 0.00033 0.000114
Xenon 0.000039 0.0000087


Air also contains water vapour and hard matter such as dust, microbes and pollen. These variables depend upon climatic conditions, which vary worldwide. The table therefore reflects the European average dry gas content of air, which may vary slightly in your area. To confuse things a little further, it takes almost twice the amount of energy to heat up the water vapour in wet air, than it would take to heat up an equal number of molecules of dry air.

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