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Translate the following sentences paying attention to the functions of the verb “to be”.

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 422.


Fill in the table with the derivatives.

Match the synonyms.





To interpret


a) пример c) образец
b) случай d) просьба


a) объяснять c) представлять
b) толковать d) интерпретировать


a) сложный c) смешанный
b) запутанный d) составной


a) действие c) работа
b) деятельность d) активность


a) индивидуум c) особа
b) личность d) человек


a) небрежность c) неудача
b) провал d) неисправность


1) issue 6) root a) cooperation f) breath
2) occupant 7) fundamental b) basis g) pollutant
3) origin 8) interaction c) disease h) source
4) respiration 9) contaminant d) adequate i) initial
5) sufficient 10) illness e) problem j) resident
Noun Verb Adjective
1) to suspect  
2) cleanliness    
3)   responsible
4) to respire  
5) contaminant    
6)   building
7) to measure  
8) variety    
9)   active
10) to respond  


1) One reason for this concern is that their symptoms often get better when they are not in the building. 2) Some respiratory symptoms and illnesses can be associated with damp buildings. 3) It is to be clear what measurements of indoor contaminants show that workers are at risk for disease. 4) Medical tests and tests of the environment aren't sufficient to establish which contaminants are responsible for a specific health condition. 5) Building-related symptoms are associated with building characteristics. 6) Indoor environments are highly complex and building occupants may be exposed to a variety of contaminants. 7) The indoor environment in any building is a result of the interaction of conditions. 8) The dynamics of the indoor environment are complex and are to be performed by a building scientist.


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