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Using your dictionary, match words in A with their synonyms in B.



a. to tailor

b. to meet

c. flexibility

d. to face

e. to complain

f. fault

g. supervision

h. sufficient



a. adaptability

b. to moan

c. mistake

d. administration

e. to style; to make

f. enough

g. to stand before

h. to satisfy


Pre-reading task Work in small groups.

Now you are going to read about advantages of job production. Can you suppose what they are?

1.Read text 9. Were your ideas about the advantages of job production correct?

The product can be tailored to meet the needs of the customer. This is not impossible using other types of production but job production does give more flexibility in this matter.

When things go wrong it is easier to isolate the source of the problem, although it is not necessarily easy to analyze the problem! The owner of a garage, for example, faced with an irate customer complaining about the standard of servicing on a car, will know which of his mechanics was responsible for the servicing. It may be more difficult to find out why that particular job went wrong. The fault may lie in the skill of the mechanic, the degree of supervision, a fault in a piece of equipment or a failure on the part of the customer to provide sufficient information or permission.

The workforce has a greater involvement with the product. The sight of a completed job gives a person greater satisfaction than contributing to a small part of a project. Either working alone or as part of a small work group individuals prefer to see what they have achieved and to know that their contribution was an important part of the final product.

2. Comprehension check.

Here are some answers about the advantages of job production. Write the questions.

a. What____________________________ ?

The goods can be produced to meet the requirements of the buyer.

b. In what case_______________________ ?

In case things go wrong.

c. What_____________________________ ?

The sight of a completed job gives a person greater satisfaction.

Discussion Work in pairs.

Discuss what you have learned about the advantages of job production.

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