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Date: 2015-10-07; view: 459.




Discuss what you have learned about the disadvantages of job production.

1. Identify one instance in which job production is used as a positive marketing point.

2.A small company produces hi-tech goods for a world market. Why might it need an agent?

3.Distinguish between job production and job shop production.

4.A flexible workforce suggests a high skill level. State and explain two problems this might cause a business.

1. Read text 11 using your dictionary to help with new words. Think of suitable title of the text.

A batch of goods is simply a group of products which undergo production at the same time. The simplest example is a batch of loaves. These are the loaves that are put into the oven, by the baker, at the same time.

Batch production can be defined as a method of organizing the work on any product so that it is divided into a number of operations and each operation is completed for a group of products (the batch) before it is moved on to the next operation. Under batch production all items in a particular batch move from one process to another simultaneously. This can lead to organizational problems. For example if the batch is too large and one operation takes longer than another then staff and machines can stand idle while they wait for the next batch to reach them. One solution to this problem is to have a 'buffer' stock of work in progress that can be drawn on. This ties up capital in stock and has an effect on working capital.

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