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INVESTMENT THRIVES ON OUR BANKSDate: 2015-10-07; view: 516. Nowhere is the power of economic regeneration more apparent than on the Mersey Waterfront. Today, it has become the site for a community of flourishing new businesses. The internationally acclaimed Albert Dock is the vibrant hub of Mersey-side's rapidly expanding leisure and tourist industry. Executive housing has been encouraged by an improved environment and increase in confidence. These achievements have enhanced the quality of life bringing the promise of employment and prosperity. It's a programme of change which owes its existence to the dynamism and vision of the Merseyside Development Corporation. Prime development land has been reclaimed and opened up, essential infrastructures established. Private sector investors were quick to respond to what will become the major investment opportunity of the 1990s. They were spurred on by the benefits of a workforce specially trained for their needs and the prospect of financial assistance. Past successes have substantially extended the MDC's sphere of influence. Now the MDC's hard work opening up new development land along both banks of the Mersey is creating the foundation on which the next wave of private enterprise will take shape. So get the facts now. Call Eileen Wall on 051-2366090. 3. Joan Logan used the Enterprise Allowance Scheme to set herself up in business as a wood carver. At first the business developed slowly but in 1988 a major furnishing chain expressed interest in her work. Initially they placed an order for 500 bases for table lamps. On the strength of this Joan, employed another skilled worker, and the two of them were just about able to fulfil the order for the agreed delivery date. The lamps sold well and the furnishing chain was back with additional orders. Joan was unwilling to refuse the business but she knew that the two of them could not keep working fifteen hours a day to fulfil the orders. a) Outline the major methods of production. b)State and explain three ways in which Joan could attempt to solve her problem. c) Select one of your answers to "b" and outline three problems Joan might face if she adopted this solution.