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Focus on writing

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 731.

Choose one of the proposed problems and write an essay, describing your own opinion

and experience. Write about 250 words.

1. The concept of economies of scale suggests that large businesses are more efficient in their use of resources than small businesses. If this is so why do small businesses survive and what justification can be offered for the investment of government money in the small business sector?

2. Outline and comment on the inter relationships which exist between the marketing and production functions.

3. The location decisions of a business are relatively independent of considerations of market and supplies. What are the implications of this position for:

a. the business?

b. attempts by central and local government to control or influence location decisions in the private sector?

4. What factors contribute to making a business "footloose"?

5. What do you understand by the term "production function"? Comment on the role of the production plan in the overall planning process of a business.

6. Discuss the factors a business would take into consideration in planning the layout of its production processes.

7."Job production is limited to the craft specialist." How far do you agree with this statement?

8."Flow production can produce goods at lower unit cost than either job or batch methods." Comment on the conditions necessary to make this a true statement.


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