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Mathematical programming

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 731.

Text 13. Make the written translation into Russian (time 90 minutes)

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In mathematics, computer science and economics, optimization, or mathematical programming, refers to choosing the best element from some set of available alternatives.

In the simplest case, this means solving problems in which one seeks to minimize or maximize a real function by systematically choosing the values of real or integer variables from within an allowed set. This formulation, using a scalar, real-valued objective function, is probably the simplest example; the generalization of optimization theory and techniques to other formulations comprises a large area of applied mathematics. More generally, it means finding «best available» values of some objective function given a defined domain, including a variety of different types of objective functions and different types of domains.

Optimization problems are often multi-modal, that is they possess multiple good solutions. They could all be globally good (same cost function value) or there could be a mix of globally good and locally good solutions. Obtaining all (or at least some of) the multiple solutions is the goal of a multi-modal optimizer.

Classical optimization techniques due to their iterative approach do not perform satisfactorily when they are used to obtain multiple solutions, since it is not guaranteed that different solutions will be obtained even with different starting points in multiple runs of the algorithm. Evolutionary Algorithms are however a very popular approach to obtain multiple solutions in a multi-modal optimization task.

Adding more than one objective to an optimization problem adds complexity. For example, if you wanted to optimize a structural design, you would want a design that is both light and rigid. Because these two objectives conflict, a trade-off exists. There will be one lightest design, one stiffest design, and an infinite number of designs that are some compromise of weight and stiffness. This set of trade-off designs is known as a Pareto set. The curve created plotting weight against stiffness of the best designs is known as the Pareto frontier.

A design is judged to be Pareto optimal if it is not dominated by other designs: a Pareto optimal design must be better than another design in at least one aspect. If it is worse than another design in all respects, then it is dominated and is not Pareto optimal.

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