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Text 1. Special Issue Introduction: Algorithmic Game TheoryDate: 2015-10-07; view: 434. Unit 6. When you read an article.... Task 3. Translate the text using the vocabulary, mind the sentence structure Task 1. Match the equivalents:
Task 2. Look at the underlined words, translate them and explain their purpose, fill in the table below: This special issue of AI Magazine aims to highlight cutting-edge artificial intelligence research in algorithmic game theory, and contains articles written by some of the most prominent researchers in the field. Our goal was to provide a broad sampling of state-of-the-art AI work in algorithmic game theory, emphasizing exciting applications and written in an accessible manner. Specifically, we aimed to achieve balance between three key topics in current research. The first, game playing, considers the design of automated methods for playing competitive games popular among humans. It focuses on scaling up classical game-theoretic ideas to the huge domains necessary to model these settings; extending these ideas to deal with the approximations introduced by this scaling; and addressing the prescriptive problem of how an agent should act when it is not sure that its opponent is perfectly rational. The second topic is social choice, the aggregation of preferences across agents, either through an explicit voting scheme or implicitly through a prediction market. The final topic is mechanism design, which can be understood as the design of protocols for decision making among noncooperative clients. Here much AI research focuses on elaborations to existing models, with the goal of making them more applicable to anonymous, dynamic environments such as the Internet.