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Consider the effectiveness of the dialogue and storyline.

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 431.

Analyze the title and credits of the movie.

Every time a title is mentioned each person will have a different idea of the film, the main theme of the movie prior to watching it. A good title attracts the attention of viewers giving a brief idea about the nature of a movie. Furthermore, it also proves to be a starting point developing interest of the audience. Some titles may be directly related to the movie while at times they need to be analyzed to bring out the real meaning. The meaning of the title is very helpful in gettingto know the storyline and what to expect from the movie, it can give you the idea of the genre or the originality / adaptation of the work. The credits present people involved: screen-writer, director, actors, producers and members of other crews etc. They can help you establish your personal attitude based on the background and previous professional experience of the people mentioned.

Although many professional screenwriters do not get the same attention as actors or directors, they are the true architects of a movie. Screenwriters may adapt a book into script form, or they may create their own original stories for the screen. Either way, you should be able to sense an attention to detail in the dialogue and plotlines. A successful movie script uses authentic dialogue and scenarios that the actors can handle with ease. A less successful script places characters in situations that feel artificial or contrived. The dialogue in every scene helps to identify how the scene is relevant to the whole movie since every dialogue is developed to build the story line. This requires watching the scene several times and listening carefully to identify any ambiguity, dialogue characteristics used such as idioms, proverbs, and irony among others. This will be essential in identifying the kind of language used, its simplicity and the ways it can be improved if it is not good.

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How to Analyze a Movie | The performance of individual actors should be considered.
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