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Exercise 4. Fill in the gaps with an appropriate derivative. Translate the sentences into Russian.

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 484.

Exercise 3. Define the part of speech and translate the following words into Russian. Complete the lines of derivatives, if possible.


successful – success – successfully

depend – dependful – independent – dependence

care – careful – carefully – careless - carefulness

propel – propeller – propelling

reduce – reduction – reduced, reducing

mobilization - mobile – mobility

solve - solvent - soluable

defend – defiance – defiant – defence

cost – costliness – costless – costly

innovate – innovator – innovation

clear – clearly – clearness

revolt – revolution – revolutionize

moment – momentary – momentarily

sudden – suddenly – suddenness

disagree – disagreement – disagreeable

excel – excellent – excellently

radiate – radiance – radiation

response – responsible – responsibility

object – objective – objectivity

economy – economic – economically

regular – regulate – irregular – regularity - regularly


reflect, reflection, reflector, reflective ,reflects

1. Mirrors . . . the rays of the sun.

2. He saw his ... in the mirror.

3. Mirror served as a ... of the rays of the sun.

4. Mirror … the rays of the sun owing to its ... qualities.

consumes, consumption, consumer

  1. The engine . . . little fuel.
  2. The ... of fuel was low.
  3. Motor industry is a great … of fuel.

defined, definition, definite, define

  1. Let us … the regulations first and then start the game.
  2. Nobody of those present knew how this physical phenome­non could be ... .
  3. The . . . given in the old texbook was wrong.
  4. I hope someone can give me a … answer to my question.

uniform, uniformity, uniformly

1. All pieces of metal were of ... size.

2. Temperature conditions in both chambers were….

3. ... of conditions in both chambers was kept up by special devices.

relative, relatively, relativity, relation

1. It was a ... easy task.

2. Einstein's theory established the ... of time and space.

3. He tried to establish the . . . between these two groups of factors.

4. The speed of the comet . . to the earth was great.

efficient, efficiently, efficiency

1. He is very ... in his work.

2. The work was being carried out most .....

3. The ... of the new method was proved beyond doubt.

reduce, reduction, reduced

1. The . . . level of water made crossing the river easier.

2. The lack of raw materials caused the ... of the output.

3. In the series of tests we shall . . . the temperature and see what changes in the material will appear.

arrange, arrangement, arranged

1. Annual simposium is ... to begin in September.

2. The ... of parts in the engine was conventional.

3. Let's . . . the words in the alphabetical order.


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Exercise 1. Define what parts of speech the italicized words are and translate the sentences into Russian. | Exercise 5. Define what part of speech a word in italics is. Translate the sentences into Russian.
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