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Ex. 10. Change the sentences as it's shown in the example.

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 670.

Ex. 9. Make these sentences negative and add a positive statement using an adjective opposite in the meaning (the words in the frame will help you).

Ex. 8. Make these sentences negative.


Утвердительная форма Отрицательная форма Вопросительная форма
I played I went I didn't (did not) play I didn't (did not) go Did you play? Did you go?

Example:I made a mistake in my exercise. –I didn 't make a mistake in my exercise.

1. The two boys fought in the street. _______________________________________________

2. We rode to school on our bicycles. _______________________________________________

3. I chose these cakes for tea. _____________________

4. He found the lost ball. ________________________

5. My roses grew very well this year._____________________________________

6. The gardener dug up the potatoes. _____________________________________________

7. The boy rang the bell. _________________________

8. I woke up very early this morning. _____________________________________________

9. The boy ran as fast as he could. _____________________________________________

10. That baker sold us good cakes. _____________________________________________

11. He went to work yesterday. ____________________________________________

12. They all stood in their places. ____________________________________________

13. He told me the secret. _______________________

14. He understood my explanation. ____________________________________________

15. The thieves stole all the jewels. _____________________________________________

16. A burglar broke into the house. _____________________________________________

17. My friend swam across the river. _____________________________________________


Example:My parents were in time, as usual. - They were not in time, they were late.


wrong full bad short busy difficult a short way


1. The answer was correct. _____________________


2. I was hungry before the lunch break. ___________


3. Their Russian translation was very good. _______


4. The discussion was very long. ________________


5. His questions were very simple. _______________


6. The station was a long way from our house. _____


7. Alex was free the whole day yesterday. ________


Example:It takes me about an hour to get to college, (yesterday) - // took me about an hour to get to college yesterday.

1. I go to work on foot, (yesterday morning). ______________________________

2. We send them our catalogues by airmail, (two days ago). ________________________________________


3. We often see each other in the lab. (last month). _____________________________________________

4. It takes me twenty minutes to do my morning exercises, (yesterday). __________________________


5. I hear the news on the radio, (this morning). _____________________________________________

6. He feels bad, I'm afraid, (last week). _____________________________________________

7. I wake up very early, (yesterday). _____________________________________________

8. We've got a lot of work, (last month). _____________________________________________

9. What time do you have lunch? (yesterday). _____________________________________________

10. She's got a very old typewriter, (last year). _____________________________________________

11. We haven't got enough time to discuss all the problems, (last time). ___________________________

12. I spend my holiday at the seaside, (last summer). ____________________________________________


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Ex. 6. Fill in the blank spaces with one suitable verb. | A Weekday
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