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Date: 2015-10-07; view: 443.

to make money - зарабатывать деньгиsoon - скоро, вскоре

to apply to – поступать в

to refuse – отказывать

support - поддержка to earn - зарабатывать

blue-collar worker - производственный рабочий

to sack - увольнять с работы

to be unemployed – быть безработным labourer - чернорабочий

extra training – дополнительное обучение

eventually - в конце концов

salary - зарплата

to face - встречаться лицом к лицу benefit - премия

apprentice - подмастерье, ученик

to cope - справиться

Ex. 6. Согласны ли вы со следующими утверждениями?

1. Mary's parents didn't want their daughter to become a doctor because there was not much money in this profession.

2. Mary financially supported herself through the college by working as a secretary.

3. Mary's job is to test people's eyes.

4. To be a blue-collar worker means to work with a pencil in one hand and a telephone in the other.

5. Bill was rather ambitious about his career when he finished school.

6. Automatization of the factory was the reason of Bill's unemployment.

7. Bill enjoyed his free time when he was out of work.

8. John didn't get much money when he started his career.

9. John's promotion followed his successful work as a sales representative.

10. John hopes that he will be able to find time for hobbies when he becomes a pensioner.

11. Both Joan and Steve are very ambitious young people.

12. Both Joan and Steve want to work and live abroad.

Ex.7. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. Who helps you in choosing your future profession? ____________________________________________

2. What is in your opinion the most important in your future profession? ______________________________


3. What skills are most important for your future profession? ___________________________________


4. What attracts you in your future profession? _____________________________________________

5. What do your parents and friends think about your future profession? _____________________________


6. Could you say that your parents' occupation may influence your choice of your future profession? _____________________________________________

7. What knowledge and skills in your opinion are necessary for any job or profession? _____________________________________________

8. Do you believe that people are born for this or that profession? Give examples.



Ex. 8. Прочтите и переведите текст.

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