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Date: 2015-10-07; view: 789.

Exercise 1.

Exercise 2. Read the article and underline all the film terms and words you've learnt from





Film production is a joint effort. There are about 100 people in a production unit that makes a feature-length film. Among the members of the production unit there are creative workers, executives and technicians. The main figures of the production unit are: the film director, the director of photography, the production designer / art director and the producer. As for the scriptwriter, he sometimes takes part in the film production too.

Each of these people is responsible for his part of the work. The director controls the creative aspect of the production. Before the shooting begins, he works out the shooting script and the storyboard, where he gives his own interpretation of the story. He tests and casts the actors for the main and supporting roles, holds rehearsals, approves the décor and the photography and supervises the editing of the film.

The production designer is responsible for the visual part, or the look of the film, which includes the sets, property (or props), costumes and make-up. He must create a suitable background for the action with the help of colour, design and composition. The director of photography heads the camera crew and is responsible for an adequate rendering of the story and the technical quality of the image on the screen. The producer is the person who is responsible for the budget and business problems. He raises money for the production, forms the production unit, engages actors, organizes the shooting on the set and on location and finally delivers the completed film to the distributors.

These filmmakers have assistants who work under their supervision. Besides the director's crew, the camera crew, the production and art departments there are a great number of technicians in the production unit, such as electricians, property-men, make-up girls, continuity-girls, cutters, camera operators and grips. All the members of the production unit try to embody the director's conception.

The credits don't usually include the names of all the production unit members, but the contribution of each person is very important.

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VOCABULARY | Exercise 5. Answer the questions.
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