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Behind the Camera

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 442.

A) Read the article below and choose the correct words in italics.

Exercise 52.



Exercise 51. a) Write the English equivalents in the boxes. Take the numbered letters and put them in order.



Exercise 50. What advice can you give to someone who's going to try and enter VGIK?

Let your partner guess the job.

Exercise 49. In pairs. Think of a job and describe it using

have to …, don't have to …, can … if I want

The following expressions might help you:

start work early / late / whenever I like

work nights / weekends / regular hours / shifts

wear a horrible uniform / a suit and tie

dress up / down

work long hours / overtime

deal with people

work really hard

take work home with me

work from home

do a lot of paperwork

push papers around

spend a lot of time commuting





























This is a quote by Henry Ford:

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _' _ – _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

b) Discuss it with your groupmates using these phrases:

That's true.

I agree with him on this one.

I'm not so sure about this one.

I'm afraid he is not quite right.

In my opinion …

From my point of view …

Personally, I think …

If you ask me …


A lot of people take part / takes part in film production besides actors and actresses. They are / There are all members of the crew whose names appear / appears at the beginning or end of a film in screen credits. Some of them has / have strange jobs like “Best Boy” or “Key Grip”. Let's look at just some of them.

Producer is the person who choose / chooses which film to make, who raises / raise the money to make it, and who deal / deals with all the business problems.

Director is the person who decide / decides how to shoot (or film) each scene, and who controls / control all the actors who work / works in the set and on location and other people who help/helps to make the film. The director is the one who shout / shouts “Action!” when he or she is/are ready. There is / are usually a lot of takes. A take is one piece of film which is filmed without stopping the camera.

Screenwriter is the person who write / writes the screenplay or script of a film. Sometimes many screenwriters do / does his / their job before a director is/are happy with a screenplay.

And when it is a screen adaptation, it is not / does not usually the writer of the book who write / writes the screenplay but a screenwriter.

Editor is the person who cut / cuts and then put / puts together the film after the filming is finished, and make / makes it into the final movie.

Set Designer - the person who arranges / arrange the furniture and scenery needed in the film. The designer often plans / plan by making models of the scenery before working on the final set.

Wardrobe Designer, or Costume Designer, is the person who design / designs or chooses / choose the clothes that the actors wear / wears in the film. He often get / gets them from special companies who keep / keeps every kind of film and theatre clothes that you can think of.

Gaffer is the lights and lighting chief in the studio.

Best Boy is the Gaffer's assistant.

Key Grip is the person who move / moves the camera around.

Boom Operator is the person who place / places the microphone above the heads of the actors when they are speaking.

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