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A. Analytical Writing

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 592.

Part III. Writing Activities


Useful Language

1. Expressing pros and cons There are both pluses and minuses to living in a big city. Weighing up the pros and cons, … It is not very … , but it does have the advantage of being … 2. Asking for opinion Can we have your input on this? What about you, … ? What are your feelings (views) on this? What do you think about this? 3. Hedging I take your point about … , but … I understand what you're saying about …, but … I see/know what you mean, but … I hear where you're coming from on this, but … 4. Interrupting Can I come in here? If I can just stop you for a moment. Sorry to interrupt you, but … 5. Checking understanding / Clarifying Are you saying (suggesting, implying) that …? If I understand you correctly, … If I follow you … Sorry. I'm not with you. Could you slow down? Sorry. I don't follow. What do you mean by “…”?  



Analyse your performance on the debate. Did you use authentic and idiomatic English? Were you able to draw on your Active Vocabulary? Were your arguments persuasive? What were the most frequent mistakes? Was there anything you could have done better? Present your recommendation to the rest of the group. Explain your reasons clearly.




Oscar Wilde once said: “Comfort is the only thing our civilisation can give us”. Take time to think how you would define comfort and comfortable life. Oxford English Dictionary gives the following definition of comfort: “A state of physical and material well-being, with freedom from pain and trouble, and satisfaction of bodily needs”. It is true that our modern urban life is striving to free us from all kinds of trouble: there are labour-saving devices which will do most of the housework for us, online shopping which makes sure we needn't even stir in order to buy something, various services that cater for our complex urban needs.

Write an essay describing your own idea of comfort and its importance for your development. Does the state of “physical and material well-being” presuppose inner peace and contentment? (Make sure you follow the instructions for writing Opinion Essays. If necessary, refer to Successful Writing Proficiency by Virginia Evans)


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