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XI. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verb.Date: 2015-10-07; view: 375. 1. The General Dynamics (now Lockheed-Martin) F-16 _____ (enter) service in the late 1970s. 2. Today fly-by-wire control systems _____ (be) common on all advanced fighter aircraft. 3. Since the 1980s, automobiles _____ (use) special purpose computers to control engine operations such as the fuel/air mixture ratio, automatic braking system (ABS) control. 4. Aviation _____ (change) dramatically since William Boeing filled his first production order of Model C Seaplanes for the U.S. Navy during World War I. 5. Six years later the first computer that _____ (can, operate) in real time and run output on video displays came online April 20, 1951. 6. Future airplanes _____ (have) lightweight tanks that hold more hydrogen molecules than anyone can now imagine. 7. Scientists all over the world _____ (work) on plasma reactors for decades. 8. Also major technological changes _____ (occur) in navigational methods based upon quantum leaps in GPS technology, onboard robotics and other automation that will eventually leave pilots behind on some aircraft. 9. Meanwhile Boeing _____ (develop) new airliner with advance systems. 10. IC's and computer chips _____ (get) smaller and cheaper. XII. Complete the sentences with the auxiliaries be, have, do in the correct form. 1. What risks ______ associated with the proposed new technology? 2. Much of what ______ been said about the nature of science applies to engineering as well? 3. Engineers use knowledge of science and technology, together with strategies of design, to solve practical problems, _____ not they? 4. ______ scientific knowledge provide a means of estimating? 5. Many scientists ______ doing work that could be described as engineering as well as science. 6. So testing _____ often done by using small-scale physical models. 7. _____ the technology have other applications? 8. Most modern technological systems, from transistor radios to airliners, _____ been engineered and produced to be remarkably reliable. 9. In ancient times, most food _____ consumed or marketed within a few dozen miles of where it _____ grown.