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Is technology...

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 374.

XVIII. Technology plays a dominant role in the context and content of our lives and it's definitely not going away. As we move forward, we feel compelled to know how technology is shaping us and changing our values. Some of the most hotly contested debates about technology and the effect it has on our values and our culture are identified. Discuss them in class.

XVII. Check yourself. How much do you know about outstanding scientists and their inventions? Complete the table of the most important inventions and discoveries. Discuss the consequencies of these events. Phrases given below will help you to express certainty or uncertainty.

XVI. What developments do you expect to see over the next ten to twenty years in computers, communications, energy, medicine? Complete the following statements. Be prepared to support your views.

XV. Look at the list of technological developments below. Discuss what you know and express your opinion about them. Use the phrases in the table that can help you to express your point of view and agree or disagree with the opinion.


Expressing views and opinions Agreeing with an opinion Disagreeing with an opinion
I think that… It seems to me that… To my mind... From my point of view... I'd like to point out that… I believe that… As far as I know... You're absolutely right. That's a good point. I agree with you entirely. That's just what I was thinking.   I'm not so sure about that. I don't agree with you. That's not entirely true. On the contrary…  


· cloning

· microchip implants

· cryogenic

· human-computer interface

· nuclear fusion

· genetic profiling

· nanotechnology

· organic computer


1. I expect the biggest changes will be in ________.

2. I think the effects of _____will be _____.

3. I think the predictions about _____ will turn out to be exaggerated.

4. I suppose the most exciting developments will be ________.

5. I think the main thing we have to worry about is _______.

There is no doubt...

I'm absolutely sure...

It might possibly ....

Well, no one can say for certain...

I'm not sure...

It might be…

It is highly unlikely that...


Date Invention or discovery Country and Inventor
700-900 CE gunpowder  
thermometer The thermoscope, developed by Galileo, was the first instrument used to measure temperature qualitatively.
  practical telescope  
three laws of motion  
  John Campbell, British naval officer, navigational expert and colonial governor, invented the improved navigational device that enables sailors to measure latitude.
practical hot-air balloon French Brothers Joseph-Michel Montgolfier and Jacques-Étienne Montgolfier made the first practical hot-air balloon.
  telephone American inventor Alexander Graham Bell made the first coherent telephone call.
  In 1901 German physicist Wilhelm Röntgen became the first winner of the Nobel Prize for Physics.
    Wright brothers, American airplane inventors and aviation pioneers
  Click click click! Thanks to an ingenious German physicist named Hans Geiger, we've all heard the sound of radioactivity.


a negative force in our lives?

eroding family values?

overwhelming our lives?

making us stupid?

killing our creativity? Families that tech together, stay together

a force for good or evil?

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XIV. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate verbs in the correct tense. | What is a report?
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