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Complete the story using the active vocabulary. Make sure you can speak about yourself using the clues.Date: 2015-10-07; view: 511. Decide which is the odd word in each group. III. Comprehension check. 1. Suggest the English for: ³ì'ÿ ïî áàòüêîâ³; ïð³çâèùå; ðîäèííèé ñòàí; â³ê; ì³öí³ òà ñëàáê³ íàïî¿; ë³êåð; øàìïàíñüêå; óëþáëåíà ¿æà (êíèãà, ñïîðò, ô³ëüì, êîë³ð, êâ³òêà, òåëåïðîãðàìà); çíàêè çîä³àêó; ð³äíà òà ³íîçåìíà ìîâà; óëþáëåí³ òà íåëþá³ ñïðàâè; àíêåòà; æèòòºïèñ; çàÿâà; êîíâàë³ÿ; áóçîê; çàéìàòèñÿ ñïîðòîì (ëåãêîþ àòëåòèêîþ, ôåõòóâàííÿì, ïëàâàííÿì); äèâèòèñÿ òåëåâ³çîð; ñëóõàòè ìóçèêó; ïðàòè; ïðàñóâàòè; ìåñòè ï³äëîãó.
a) mineral water, juice, tea, liqueur. b) pancake, beef, pork, chicken. c) football, basketball, boxing, rugby. d) red, ashy, pink, coral. e) cauliflower, carnation, daffodil, camomile. f) polite, hard-working, attentive, arrogant.
Let me introduce myself. My surname is ….., my first name is …. and my patronymic is ….. . I was born on the …. of …. in …. . My sign of zodiac is … . I'm …… by nationality. I've just left school. At the moment I'm a first-year student at ……. university, …… faculty. I speak some languages. My native language is ….. . My knowledge of …… is excellent and …… is good (fair). I like cooking very much. I'm crazy about ice-cream and ….. . As for drinks I prefer …… I've got a lot of interests: sport, books, films, music, TV, I'm quite good at sports particularly ……. . When I have free time I enjoy doing a lot of things. I'm fond of reading …... books and watching TV. My favourite TV programmes are ………. . I like music and prefer listening to ….…. . I'm interested in ….…. . My favourite colours are ..…. . I adore such flowers as ..…. . I have some likes and dislikes. I enjoy ……. and can't stand ..….. . I'm quite easy-going and like to make new friends. People who are ……. appeal to me. At the same time I disgust ……. people.