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Fill in the gaps in the following description of the different branches of engineering using the information from the text and language you have studied in this unit.

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 1102.

Match each item in column A with an appropriate item from column B and link the two in the sentence.


Deals with/is concerned with

Column A lists a branch of engineering, column B lists things they are concerned with.

mechanical machines

electrical electricity


We can show the link between them in a number of ways:


1. Mechanical engineering deals with machines.

2. Mechanical engineers deal with machines.

3. Mechanical engineering is concerned with machines.

4. Mechanical engineers are concerned with machines.

5. Machines are the concern of mechanical engineers.

A 1 marine 2 aeronautical 3 heating and ventilating 4 electricity generating 5 automobile 6 civil 7 electronic 8 electrical installation 9 medical B a air-conditioning b roads and bridges c body scanners d cables and switch gear e communications and equipment f ships g planes h cars and trucks i power station


The main branches of engineering are civil, ___1___, ___2___, chemical and aerospace. Mechanical engineering is __3____ ___4___machinery of all kinds. This branch of engineering includes ___5___, automobile, ___6___, and heating and ventilating. The first three are concerned with transport: ___7___, cars and planes. The last ___8___ with air-conditioning, refrigeration, etc.

Electrical engineering deals with ___9___ from generation to use. Electricity generating is concerned with ___10___stations. Electrical installation deals ___11___ cables, switchgear, and connecting up electrical equipment.

Two branches of engineering include both ___12___ and ___13___ engineering. These are mining and ___14____ engineering. The former deals with mines and mining equipment, the latter with hospital ___15___ of all kinds.

Use of English 1: grammar Passive Voice

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Branches of Engineering | Rewrite each sentence in the passive form.
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