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Complete the text with the correct form (active or passive) of the verbs in brackets.

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 708.

Make pairs of words by matching a word in column A to a word in column B. Then complete the sentences 1-7 with each pair. Use the correct form of the verbs.

A 1 acquire 2 apply 3design 4 trace 5 give 6 devise 7 accelerate B aorigins b development c knowledge d knowledge e an invention fa system g rise


1. It would no doubt be possible to ________ a more scientific ________ than this.

2. Genetic epistemology is the science of how ________ .

3. The motion of the ions and electrons in the sheet is such that it ________ to a net current around Jupiter.

4. The year's purpose is to ________ the ________ and provision of national and international communications.

5. Cellular technology is not a new concept; some authorities ________ its ________ to 1947.

6. Some of the students seem unable to ________ they have already acquired.

7. And anyway they could probably ________ based on the photo-electric cell.


Use of English 2: grammar Passive Voice

Engineering (1) ________ (base) principally on physics, chemistry, and mathematics, and their extensions into materials science, solid and fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, transfer and rate processes, and systems analysis.

Engineering as a profession (2) ________ (involve) different tasks. It (3) ________ (can, refer) specifically to the manufacture or assembly of engines, machine tools and machine parts. It also (4) ________ (use) more generally to describe the creative application of scientific principles to design, develop, construct and forecast the behaviour of structures, apparatus, machines, manufacturing processes and works. The function of scientists is to know, while that of engineers is to do: they (5) ________ (must, solve) specific problems.

Electrical engineering (6) ________ (deal) with the practical application of the theory of electricity to the construction and manufacture of systems, devices and assemblies that (7) ________ (use) electric power and signals.

Electrical engineering (8) ________ (can, divide) into four main branches: electric power and machinery, communications and control, electronics, computers. Electrical applications (9) ________ (use) in many industrial areas including: electric power and machinery, electronic circuits, control systems, computer design, superconductors, solid-state electronics, medical imaging systems, robotics, lasers, radar, consumer electronics, fibre optics.

In recent years, the electronic computer (10) ________ (emerge) as the largest application of electrical engineering. However, another very large field (11) ________ (concern) with electric light and power and their applications. Specialities within the field (12) ________ (include) the design, manufacture, and use of turbines, generators, transmission lines, transformers, motors, lighting systems and appliances.


Reading 3


11. Read the text and arrange the sentences in a logical order according to the text:


a) Testing helps to predict how the product will perform.

b) Engineers must find an optimal solution of the problem, taking into account all the constraints.

c) The “Iron Ring” is a symbol of pride and obligation for an engineering profession.

d) Engineers are required to have knowledge of related sciences.

e) The profession of an engineer should be highly valued.


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