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In the United States

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 416.

In the United Kingdom

In the United Kingdom the highest award for non-postgraduate studies in engineering is the Master of Engineering (MEng). In England, Northern Ireland and Wales this is a four-year course or a 'sandwich' five-year course (with one year spent working in industry). The Bachelor of Engineering (BEng) is usually a three year course (four in Scotland), or can also include a year in industry. Many universities offer the BEng, and may then allow a transfer onto the MEng.


Engineers who have been awarded a BEng(Ordinary) or BEng(Honours) and have appropriate training and experience in the work place are able to apply to become an Incorporated Engineer (IEng). If an engineer has studied beyond the BEng for an MSc or has an MEng, they may apply to become a Chartered Engineer (CEng), once they have completed the required amount of post graduate work-based competency training and experience.

Chartered Engineer and Incorporated Engineer titles awarded by the Engineering Council UK, are broadly equivalent to North American Professional Engineer (PEng / PE) and Professional Technologist (PTech) designations, but with often a far greater geographical recognition.


In the United States, the bachelor's degree is the standard four year undergraduate degree awarded to engineering students and is generally the only degree required for licensure (that is, it is the first professional degree in the field). For graduate students, the two year master's degree is by far the most common route, which may be followed by the doctorate. The Degree of Engineer or Engineer's Degree is the least commonly obtained advanced degree in engineering. It is usually preceded by a master's degree and is not a prerequisite to a doctoral degree. It serves as a terminal degree for practicing engineers. The availability of degrees and the specific requirements differ considerably between institutions and between specialties within an institution.


22. Translate from Russian into English.


Электротехника – отрасль науки и техники, связанная с получением, передачей и использованием электрической энергии. Подготовка инженеров-электротехников связана с изучением электрических и магнитных явлений, происходящих в электротехнических устройствах.

Достижения электротехники используются во всех сферах практической деятельности человека — в промышленности, сельском хозяйстве, медицине, быту и т. д. Электротехническая промышленность выпускает машины и аппараты для производства, передачи, преобразования, распределения и потребления электроэнергии; разнообразную электротехническую аппаратуру и технологическое оборудование; электроизмерительные приборы и средства электросвязи: регулирующую, контролирующую и управляющую аппаратуру для систем автоматического управления; электробытовые приборы и машины, медицинское и научное оборудование и др.




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