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Ex.2. Read the words in the following groups. Pay attention to the word stress.

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 530.

Ex.1. Practice reading the following words.

A. Reading drills


tion [ʃn]: action, nation, station, dictation, translation, position, condition

ssion, ssian [ʃ(ə)n]: session, expression, impression, permission, Prussian, Russian

cia[ʃə], cean[ʃ(ə)n]: ocean, special, especially, official, politician, musician, social

a [a:]перед ss, sk, sp, st, ns, nd, nt, ft, th, nce:class, glass, grass, pass; after, craft, raft, daft; ask, task, answer, father, rather, bath, path; fast, faster, last, past, master, castle, can't; gasp, grasp; command, demand, plant, grant; chance, dance, glance, France.

a) words with the stress on the first syllable:

answer, numbers, household, human, market, concept, actually, services, product, produce (n), surplus, previous, limit, object (n), purchase, action, labour, labourer, capital, enterprise, timber, profit, business, scarcity, satisfy, constitute, income, option, benefit, equity, issue;

b) words withthe stress on the second syllable:

economy, economist, accept, resources, statistics, specifically, behaviour, endeavour, defence, invisible, amount, variety, sufficient, incentive, produce (v), abandon, interpret, production, tentative, explain, decision, desire, consume, consumer, consumption, activity, object (v), attempt, perform, except, combine, reward, machinery, available, unlimited;

c) polysyllabic words with the main and secondary stress:

administration, availability, economics, economic, economical, economically, complicated, constitution, constitutional, constitutionally, publication, comprehensive, influential, insufficient, definition, distribution, individual, satisfaction, satisfactory, unemployment, microeconomics, macroeconomics.

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