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Date: 2015-10-07; view: 635.

Choose one of the topics and write an argument or a discussion essay, stating your point of view in 300-350 words.


Create a list of top universities in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Explain your choice.

Express your opinion.

Read the following excerpt and comment on it.

The QS World University Rankings®, an annual league table of the top 700 universities in the world, is arguably the best-known and respected ranking of its kind. Compiled by the QS Intelligence Unit in close consultation with an international advisory board of leading academics, the QS World University Rankings ® is widely referenced by prospective and current students, university professionals and governments worldwide. The purpose of the rankings has been to recognize universities as the multi-faceted organizations they are and to provide a global comparison of their success against the notional mission of remaining or becoming world-class.


  1. Do you know what criteria are used to rank universities?
  2. What aspects are important in ranking the educational institutions? Make up a list of the criteria.


  1. What do you think of home schooling?
  2. How can educators and parents promote creativity in children?
  3. How would you compare the quality of education in your country to other countries?


1 Choose one of the three fields of specialization in vocational education at schools (10-11 grades) and comment on your choice:

1. Natural Science and Mathematics,

2. Social Studies and the Humanities,

3. Technology.

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