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The Bolashak Programme

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 581.

Read the following text and complete the gaps with suitable words (A-D).


Conduct a research about one of the three IB programmes of the International Schools and write a report outlining its main features in about 300-350 words.


Summarise the text, using the words from the list.

Explain the meaning of the words.


affiliate, pilot programme, core requirements, internal and external assessment, verify, modify, moderator

1 Discuss the following.

1. Do you prefer private or state schools? Why?

2. To what extent should schools and education consider the requirements of the educational

policy of the country?


Kazakhstan was the first Central Asian country to (1) ………… a presidential scholarship programme to study abroad. The programme, called "Bolashak" ("Bolashak" means "The Future" in Kazakh), was created by a Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev on November 9th, 1993.
Bolashak is a long running programme managed by the Centre for International Programs, on (2) ………… lf of the Ministry of Education and Science of Kazakhstan. The programme's objective is to provide an opportunity for the most talented students from Kazakhstan to (3) ………… higher education courses at the best universities overseas, enabling them to acquire the necessary skills and knowledge to build a democratic and prosperous society.
The (4) …………. depend on the host country and the university's status) and cover all education-related expenses.
Upon completion of their programmes, scholarship (5) ………….. return to Kazakhstan to work in different companies, governmental structures and international organisations for a period of five years.
Since 1994, thousands of Kazakhstani students have successfully (6) ………….. their Bachelor's and Master's degrees under the Bolashak Scholarship Programme at the most prestigious World universities. Today the “bolashakers” have the opportunity to study at 630 leading Universities in 32 countries all over the world. http://www.kazakhstanlive.com/5en.aspx?sr=1


Alaunch Bbegin Cstart Dsend
Aagenda Bboard Cbehalf Dthe list
Areceive Bundertake Cobtain Dhold
Aexpenses Bcost Cbenefits Dbursaries
Agraduate Bundergraduate Crecipients Dstudents
Acompleted Bobtained Cawarded Dcovered

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