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Engineering is both theoretical and practical

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 528.

Engineering is everywhere


Work with a partner. In your own language, think of the words to describe engineering. How do you say these words in English? Work with a dictionary and translate the words into English.

Before you start



Use the language of the unit in your essay (vocabulary and grammar).

Write an essay (in 300-350 words) on the following topic.


Candidate A: Add to your partner's response.

The role of education and science in a person's life and in the society.

Objectives: You should be able to speak about modern trends in Mechanical Engineering, describe smart materials, and discuss jobs in engineering using appropriate English.

WHAT IS ENGINEERING (ex.1-6: White, L. Engineering p.2)

2. Read the headings of the paragraphs(1-4) below. What do you think each paragraph will be about?

3. Read the paragraphs(1-4) below and check.

Almost everything we use in modern life is made by engineers. For example, if a manufacturer wants a faster car, a smaller personal stereo, or a better pen, they will ask a design engineer to find a practical solution.

Engineers use theory (ideas about engineering) to produce practical answers. The design solution must be a reasonable price, safe, and reliable. A new idea that is expensive, dangerous, or doesn't always work is not a good solution.

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Candidate B: Read the following excerpt from the article and comment on the information provided. | Read the paragraph headings again. Do you agree with them?
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