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A job in Engineering

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 1956.

The right person in the right job



Summarize the text

Answer the questions

Give the opposites

Find the synonyms in the text



Art Liberal arts



Meet needs


Of course










1. What is the difference between science and engineering? Do you agree with the author of the article?

2. Give the definition of “engineering”. Find it in the article and in different dictionaries or glossaries.

3. What is the role of engineering and science in our life, in your opinion?

4. What are the benefits and drawbacks of engineering?



(ex.1-4 White, L. Engineering p.2)

1. Read the text A job in Engineering. Put the main ideas (A-D) in the same order as they are in the text.

A You need to think carefully about your personality.

B There are lots of different jobs in engineering.

C Think carefully about what you are interested in.

D Engineering is a big subject.

1 There are lots of different types of engineering. The one thing they have in common is that they all use Maths and Science to improve industry and manufacturing. The whole science of engineering can be broadly divided into three main areas:

• civil engineering (buildings, roads, etc.)

• mechanical engineering (machines, including tool-making)

• electrical engineering (electricity, lighting, etc.) '

2 Each of these three main area can be divided again into specialist subjects: civil engineering covers mining and bridge building, mechanical engineering covers aeronautical and automobile engineering, electrical engineering covers electricity generation and wiring.

3 Clearly there is a big difference between building a road and designing a computer system so the best advice for students is:

• think carefully about which area of engineering interests you most. It is difficult to study if you are not interested - and you may do the job until you are 60 years old.

• think about what sort of person you are. Will you be happiest working in an office, in a factory, or outdoors? Do you mind getting dirty? Do you want to work with other people or alone? If you like wearing high heels and beautiful clothes, you may not be happy on a building site.

4 When you have decided which area you are interested in and thought realistically about what sort of person you are, then you can decide what sort of engineer you want to be.

2. Look at the types of engineers (1-5) below. First, underline any new words and check the meaning in the glossary or your dictionary. Then write whether the jobs are indoor or outdoor, and dirty or clean.

1 petroleum

2 sanitation

3 textile

4 computer

5 chemical

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