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Asking One's Way

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 392.

Die, dead, death

Earth, ground, land

1. Elizabeth I granted ... mainly to Protestants her followers. 2. In ancient times people had a strange idea about the ... which they thought to be flat (плоска). 3. I shook the apple-tree and many apples fell to the ... . 4. Soon the messengers came asking for ... and water, symbol of submission. 5. The rebels demanded the confiscation of ... which belonged to the church. 6. "Don't sit on the ..., it is wet and cold," said Miss Mary to the children.

1. Queen Elizabeth I of England … without children 2. Throw those flowers out; they are .... 3. The ground was covered with ... leaves. 4. The young soldier was wounded to ... and was carried away from the battlefield. 5. ... came instantly, and she had been ... for some time but then she was reanimated.

6 Where did Byron...? 7. Walter Scott, the great poet and novelist, ... in 1832.

X. Read, translate and dramatize the dialogues:

- Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the Houses of Parliament?

- Go two blocks down Victoria Street, turn to the left, and then go
straight ahead. You'd better take a bus. It's a pretty good way.

- Thank you very much. Is there a bus stop around here?

- Sure. There it is, on the other side of the street.

- (In the bus) - Conductor, am I right for the Houses of Parliament?

- Yes, madam [mæm].

- Will you put me down at the stop? I am a stranger here.

- Certainly, madam.


- Going to See Sights

- Have you been to London before?

- No, it's my first time here.

- Have you seen much of the city?

- So far, very little. Could you tell me what the most interesting places to visit are?

- If you are interested in historical buildings and monuments, I would advise you to see the Houses of Parliament, Westminster Abbey, St. Paul's Cathedral, Nelson's Column in Trafalgar Square, the Tower, the British Museum and, perhaps, Hyde Park. What would you like to see first?

- It makes no difference. Is it possible to arrange a bus tour with a guide?

- I hope so.


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VII. Translate the sentences into English. | Grammar: неособові форми англійського дієслова; форми інфінітива та його функції в реченні.
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